Economic Long-duration Electricity Storage by Using Low-cost Thermal Energy Storage and High-efficiency Power Cycle

Z. Ma
National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
United States

Keywords: Thermal energy storage, solid particles, grid energy storage, power cycle


The Economic Long-duration Electricity Storage by Using Low-cost Thermal Energy Storage and High-efficiency Power Cycle, or ENDURING system, will address grid storage needs, provide power for several days, allow grid integration of large amounts of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, and increase their value to the grid. By using intermittent, cheap electricity to provide a long-time power supply, the system can bolster grid resilience and security while facilitating the ultimate goal of 100% carbon-free generation in midcentury. The technology introduced in this post will show major components and the system. The ENDURING LDES system is designed to be deployed economically anywhere and can be built upon retired power plants to leverage the infrastructure and equipment of existing power plants, the system investment can be low and has the potential for favorable economic return.