A selectively bred microbial solution is disclosed with multiple single microbial series separately cultivated and followed with cross cultivation among those microbial series in a specific sequence and contains each of those microbial series, and by-products produced by those crossly cultivated microbial series are used for applications in modifying soil quality, activating soil, effectively degrading soil pollution, and helping growth of crops in a soil enhancement embodiment. After the selective breeding through the fermentation, the selectively bred naturally-occurring microorganisms have the ability to penetrate through the soil while enriching with micronutrients, microbial cultures and organic materials in a highly concentrated stage. In the course of cross cultivation, each of those eight microbial series maintains intrigue symbiosis and shared prosperity among one another by playing a critical role with secretions of its own particular active organics. For example, the nitrogen fixing series converts the molecular nitrogen into ammoniac nitrogen and the resultant ammoniac nitrogen is partially to be consumed by the nitrogen fixing series.
Primary Application Area: Materials, Chemical
Technology Development Status: Commercial Product
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 9
Vetted Programs/Awards: Semifinalist in the Cleantech Competition; CISBAY has been selected for the 2018 Best of San Jose Award in the Biotechnology Company category by the San Jose Award Program.
Organization Type: Early-stage Startup (Seed)
Showcase Booth #: 31M
External Funding to Date: Angel funding