Inhibits Coatings uses novel silver nanofunctionalisation to produce highly antimicrobial coatings. The novel functionalisation gives the coatings significant advantages of currently available antimicrobial coatings. Firstly silver is a well known antimicrobial agent effective against over 650 different microorganisms. Independent testing of Inhibit's coatings using the JIS-Z-2801 standard have shown a > 99.997% reduction in CFU against E. coli, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes demonstrating a significant improvement over a competing commercially available antimicrobial coating which only achieved an 83.3% reduction in CFU. The novel nanotechnology used in coatings utilises very low biocide concentrations (< 0.1%) and exhibits an extremely low leaching < 0.1 ppb/cm2 over the period of one week fully immersed. This low leach rate and biocide concentration gives rise to robust coatings with a very long antimicrobial lifetime that withstands wash cycles without compromising the physical properties of the resin system such as hardness, abrasion resistance. The technology can be applied to a number of resin systems, including epoxies, acrylics, urethanes and polyamides. These coatings have proven to retain their antimicrobial activity after numerous cleanings with common cleaning agents, making them ideal for food safety, medical and HVAC applications.
Primary Application Area: Materials, Chemical
Technology Development Status: Proven Manufacturability
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 7
Vetted Programs/Awards: Callaghan Innovation Repayable Loan Scheme (New Zealand)
Techconnect Innovation Award, 2018
Organization Type: Early-stage Startup (Seed)
Showcase Booth #: 4M
External Funding to Date: PowerHouse Ventures Limited – Seed funding