M. Novotny
Mississippi State University,
United States
Keywords: adiabatic quantum computer, groundstate degeneracy
Quantum computers have the possibility of performing computations that no classical computer can perform. The difference is that conventional computers use bits (a state is either O or 1), while a quantum computer uses qubits (which can simultaneously be a superposition of the states O and 1 ). An adiabatic quantum computer (AQC) works by slowly changing a Hamiltonian (the interactions between the qubits) to ultimately enable performance of a measurement of the desired quantities on a problem Hamiltonian. All Adiabatic Quantum Computers (AQCs) to date have been designed to obtain a groundstate (lowest energy state) of the problem Hamiltonian. We propose a #AQC machine to count the number of groundstates in the problem Hamiltonian.