Jason Killgore is the project leader for the Scanning Probe Microscopy for Advance Materials and Processes and the Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing projects and the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington in 2009, studying polymer gas separation membranes by dynamic and frictional SPM methods. His interests in SPM are primarily focused on the development of new methods for nanomechanical and electromechanical characterization, however he pursues a broad range of SPM methods as new applications necessitate. Recently he has been applying SPM and other high-resolution characterizations to problems in vat photopolymerization 3D printing, resulting in improved fundamental understanding of the high-resolution 3D printing process. Jason is the author of more than 50 peer reviewed publications, 2 book chapters, and 1 patent. He serves as associate editor for all SPM-related manuscripts at Ultramicroscopy. He has been the recipient of a bronze medal award from the United States Department of Commerce and a Distinguished Mentor award from NIST.