Heather Meeks

Physical Scientist


Dr. Meeks graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in radiation biology and currently manages a Life Sciences portfolio for the DTRA Basic Research, Counter WMD Technologies applied research, SBIR, and STTR programs.  Her portfolio includes two primary areas of study:  (1) leveraging new means of studying biological systems to evaluate physiological as well as cognitive/behavioral changes resulting from exposure to extreme environments and conditions, with the end-state goal of deriving mitigation strategies for identified deleterious effects, and (2) evaluating the potential for living systems or components derived from living systems to act as environmental monitors for identification and characterization of illicit CBRN activity.  Meeks also leads the Interagency Bionuclear Working Group (BNWG), whose purpose is to facilitate the identification and development of unclassified research efforts for application to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) counter-weapons of mass destruction (C-WMD) and nuclear treaty monitoring missions.