Greg Haugstad

Technical Staff Member & Director, Characterization Facility (CharFac)

University of Minnesota

Greg Haugstad is a condensed matter physicist with degrees from Gustavus Adolphus College and University of Minnesota. He is technical staff member and director of the Characterization Facility (CharFac) at the University of Minnesota. The CharFac serves nanotechnology-intensive companies as well as academics by providing contract services, analytical methods development and training. 

Greg is a frequent speaker in sessions emphasizing nanoscale characterization. He has collaborated with industry on open research related to inkjet printing and micro/nano-spray coatings; adhesion/release media; personal care films; biomedical device surface modification; polymer-drug nanoparticles and coatings; ultrafiltration media; and nanocomposites. He further engages in contract work with a broad range of clients. Since 2001 he has served on the graduate faculty at UMinn, with a materials characterization emphasis. His teaching has included graduate courses in imaging, spectrometry and nanomechanics; undergraduate characterization labs; nanocharacterization capstone courses for 2-year students; training classes for the CharFac; and national-reach short courses. Related to this educational emphasis, he has written a methods monograph on AFM (Wiley)