Dr. Vince Beachley is an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Chair in the department of Biomedical Engineering at Rowan University with research interests in areas of nanofabrication, tissue engineering, and biomaterials. His research predominately focuses on polymer nanofiber engineering using unique automated track processing approaches that have led to several patents. Polymer nanofiber processing technologies developed by his lab are currently funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Research Lab. Dr. Beachley received a B.S. degree from Virginia Tech in Engineering Science and Mechanics, a Ph.D from Clemson University in Bioengineering, and conducted his postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine at the Translational Tissue Engineering Center. Dr. Beachley’s research has resulted in book chapters, presentations at numerous international conferences, and articles in journals such as Advanced Healthcare Materials, ACS Macroletters, Polymer, and Nature Methods.