Super Strong Wood Materials for A Sustainable Built Environment

J. Dai
United States

Keywords: engineered wood, structural materials, sustainability, building, value-added forest products


The construction industry needs sustainable building materials that can provide increased strength and durability while also reducing carbon footprints. Super strong wood materials have emerged as a promising solution, offering both improved performance and environmental benefits. InventWood is a material innovation company that focuses on disruptive wood and cellulose technologies for sustainability. This presentation will explore the performance and applications of InventWood technologies in the construction industry, with a focus on their potential to drive value-added forest products and lower carbon emissions. In addition, the presentation will show how advanced wood materials as components can greatly boost the performance of existing engineered wood products and their advantages over traditional building materials, such as concrete and steel, in terms of renewable resource usage, reduced carbon footprint, and enhanced sustainability. The presentation will also address the challenges to making these advanced wood materials more widely adopted in building sectors, and the current research and development efforts aimed at further improving their value. The goal is to provide insights into the role that InventWood technologies can play in creating a more sustainable built environment and generate synergies and deeper collaborations in the forest product industry to promote their use in wider a range of applications.