I began my career at Hughes Aircraft Company in El Segundo CA specializing in Applied Mechanics and pursuing graduate studies as a Hughes Masters Fellow and as part of the Hughes Rotation Program. I soon became involved in the development of electro-optical systems for various military space-based technologies including the SDI. I was later awarded the Hughes Engineer Fellowship, and the Hughes Doctoral Fellowship out of which I earned the Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1995.
After more than a decade with Hughes Aircraft Company, I ventured out with a financial group to establish a new-technology enterprise focused on military pulsed energy applications leveraging ultra-high speed flywheel energy storage technology for various tactical applications. After seven years leading this venture I turned control of the organization over to financial partners and moved to a different industry in the oilfield as Chief Mechanical Engineer for Technology Development with Baker Hughes in Houston TX. During my tenure with BH I became involved in the development of sensor technologies for downhole acoustic and fluid identification applications, eventually leveraging electromagnetic and acoustic metamaterials. More than a decade later I have now joined the Aramco Research Centers as a Petroleum Engineering Consultant in the Sensors Development team involved in research related to sensors for fluid identification, multiphase flow metering, and acoustic telemetry. My current research is largely related to electromagnetic, acoustic, and elastic metamaterials and metasurfaces as they relate to fluid properties characterization and while-drilling telemetry. During my career I have had more than 30 inventions patented or patent pending.