Upscaling OPV into production tech - What are the obstacles to reach a competitive OPV industry in Europe

T. Kolbusch

Keywords: R2R 3rd generation photovoltaics for OPV and Perovskites


We are facing substantial threats in Europe. On one hand the efforts to reach net zero as soon as possible and on the other hand the war in Ukraine and the uprising conflict with China. Both conflicts force us to be more independent in a very short time from fossil energy supply and to produce in a much shorter time frame renewable energy in huge quantities. Here we now realize our dependency from China on the supply of standard silicone solar cells. In this situation, does it make sense to build up the old-style silicone production capacity in Europe or should we think different. The author shows an approach how to establish a new industry capacity for R2R 3rd Gen photovoltaics for OPV and perovskites in Europe which can be competitive and will supply the millions of square meters needed to produce the electricity for our green hydrogen paradigm shift in Europe. The audience will get an overview of 3 key parameters to be successful in the new solar market, finding the optimum parameters for processes like web handling, coating and drying and the importance of inline quality control production versus R&D operation. In the end the author summarizes the key important factors how we can establish a European approach for the production of 3rd generation photovoltaics.