Matthew Lane

Engineering Contract Manager

Equans, France

Holding a master's degree in mechanical engineering and French, Matt’s career trajectory encompasses an impressive range of disciplines—from software engineering and vacuum engineering project management to real estate investment and adventure sports entrepreneurship. This diverse background has equipped Matt with a distinctive outlook on the challenging field of nuclear fusion reactor construction.

Matt's journey began in the realm of international software development, where he established a solid technical base that paved the way for a career defined by adaptability, forward-thinking, and decisive leadership. His transition from software engineering to property development, and later to the automotive industry, has finely tuned his expertise in leading multiple teams, adept task management, and precise scheduling across various time zones and international borders. These experiences have prepared him for the demanding intricacies of nuclear fusion reactor construction.

Within the fusion industry, Matt's impact as a project lead and contract manager for Axima Concept has been profound. His contributions to developing vacuum systems for ITER Caderache highlight his expertise in steering complex multinational projects. Moreover, Matt has excelled in cultivating relationships with global companies across multiple sites and overcoming the technical and logistical obstacles associated with transforming pioneering fusion technology from a concept into tangible reality.