Dan Cassenti

Research Psychologist


Dr. Dan Cassenti earned his Ph.D. from Penn State in psychology, specializing in cognitive psychology. After one year as a National Research Council post-doc at Army Research Lab (ARL), ARL hired him to apply his skills in computational cognitive modeling and experimental cognitive science in basic and applied research. After a developmental assignment as Technical Assistant to the ARL Director, he accepted an appointment as the Cooperative Agreement Manager for the Army AI Innovations Institute
(A2I2), a multi-million-dollar-a-year program. Dr. Cassenti began his career applying his cognitive-science skillset to robotics, network science, and cybernetics. Following his role as A2I2 Program Manager, he
broadened his skillset to human-artificial intelligence collaboration research including several publications resulting from projects investigating optimization of human-agent teaming, uncertainty representations, and levels of automation research. He has led two Director’s Strategic Initiative projects, won a Grass Roots Innovation Tank research award, and currently leads a small business
innovative research (SBIR) topic.