Manufacture and Mechanical Behavior of Hollow and Foam Filled 3D Printed Core Sandwich Composites

M. Hosur, D. P. Gorijala, J. Gonzales
Texas A&M University-Kingsville,
United States

Keywords: sandwich composites, nanoclay, 3D printing, novel core, mechanical characterization


In this work, PLA was used to prepare three different types of lattice cores to be used for construction of sandwich composites. Face sheets were made using woven glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites. For comparison, polyurethane foam core sandwich composites were used as baseline materials. PU foam was modified with four different types of nanoclays. In addition, open space within the lattice cores were also filled with neat/nanophased core. Samples were tested for their compressive properties. Samples that provided best compressive properties were then tested for their flexural properties. Lattice core sandwich composites provided significant increase in the compressive and flexural strength and stiffness. Foam and lattice constructions provided synergistic support to each other. While core crushing was prevented by the lattice structure, foam provided lateral support to lattices that prevented them from buckling. Details of the experimental investigations will be presented.