J. Ali Khan, M. Irani, M. Cokar
PetroND Energy Solutions (University of North Dakota),
United States
Keywords: fluid flow, simulation, chemical design
Coldfield Flow LLC provides an innovative solution to address flow restrictions in oil and gas pipelines caused by low-temperature conditions during winter. North Dakota experiences significant production declines, estimated at 200,000 to 250,000 barrels per day (bpd), during extreme cold weather. This production loss not only impacts regional revenues but also poses significant health, safety, and operational challenges. Our approach involves advanced simulations conducted using proprietary software developed to comprehensively analyze fluid flow dynamics in oil and gas wells under low-temperature conditions. Through these simulations, we are able to design and deploy a tailored chemical treatment solution that effectively prevents flow restrictions and maintains optimal production rates. By implementing our innovative solution, North Dakota's oil production can be stabilized, resulting in potential revenue gains of up to $1.8 billion annually. Furthermore, our technology enhances pipeline safety by mitigating operational risks associated with restricted flow, contributing to the overall reliability of oil and gas infrastructure. This breakthrough solution not only supports continuous production during winter months but also plays a vital role in maintaining oil prices and ensuring uninterrupted supply, strengthening the economic and operational stability of the region’s oil industry.