Novel paper-based packaging for food crisping applications in microwave heating

T.A. Dankovich, J.S. Levine
Folia Materials Inc,
United States

Keywords: nanotechnology, paper science, cellulose, nano-enabled products, paper coating, nano-materials, microwave susceptor, food packaging, renewable materials, recyclable materials, paper engineering, reel-to-reel processes


Folia has developed a sustainable, paper-based microwave susceptor packaging that enhances food quality by achieving the crisping effects typically associated with oven heating. Our aim is to create a recyclable susceptor that matches or exceeds the performance of traditional plastic susceptors in microwave food heating, specifically targeting improvements in food texture, moisture control, and cooking consistency, while ensuring compatibility with current industrial-scale packaging manufacturing. Folia's core technology is our patented coating and industrial coating process that uses standard industrial roll-to-roll coating machinery to synthesize metal nanoparticles bonded to cellulose fibers, e.g. silver nanoparticles bonded to paper. Our R&D objectives have included optimizing the paper grade, metal loading, and packaging design to improve food crisping while ensuring compatibility with existing industrial-scale packaging processes. We have developed small-batch, industrially manufactured packaging using pilot-scale and commercial-scale equipment. These packaging samples have undergone microwave heating tests on model foods like chicken nuggets and french fries, with performance metrics evaluated using thermal imaging, moisture content analysis, and food texture testing. Following performance evaluation, these samples were tested for product safety through chemical migration testing using the FDA Guidance for Industry: Preparation of Premarket Submissions for Food Contact Substances (Chemistry Recommendations).