ReGreen our Earth and your Pocket

A. Dimoula
Paramount Planet Product,
United States

Keywords: ocean, innovation, pulp and paper, forest economies


Ariadne Dimoula founded Paramount Planet Product, nicknamed P3RD.Earth, to replace the most found to-go packaging litter and toxic chemicals, such as PFAS, found in to-go packaging. As plastic and toxins in landfills and our environment grow daily, Ariadne and her team work with proven safe materials that are paper stream recyclable and can return nutrients to earth if accidentally littered. Notably, the material, which we call Plaper, feels and performs in ways that delight our customers. Our material is made from forest-based resources, is 100% plant-based, and is naturally grease-proof, yet it feels, performs, and prices compariable to plastics. What started as a focus on remaking packaging has grown to include the ability to replace toxins in multiple industries. We are currently trialing our material in machines that create products for the building and agriculture industries, and there are growth opportunities in the medical and beauty industries. P3RD.Earth is a mother-daughter founding team manufacturing and testing material to be "Ocean Compostable Fish Friendly." Through National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I & II support, P3RD.Earth designs 100% tree-based innovative products and works with customers to bring these products to market and grow our in-house manufacturing capabilities. We serve customers’ needs to create products that perform as needed yet are certifiably healthy in any location, in landfills, backyard composts, rivers, or ocean environments, all while not harming wildlife or us humans.