Low-cost hybrid additive manufacturing platform for on-demand chip packaging to accelerate innovation for austere environments

O. Moreno, B. Hamelin, B. English
EngeniusMicro LLC,
United States

Keywords: ceramics, additive manufacturing, PCB, packaging, chips, hypersonics, space, radiation


Electronics packaging, including chip carriers, printed circuit boards (PCB), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices, hypersonics and space electronics, cumulatively exceeds $90 billion in market size. There is a need for high performance packaging solutions that withstand austere environments of extreme temperature swings and shock/vibration. Each solution must be designed to measure given the unique geometry of each MEMS or avionics device under test and the intended application. Hybrid additive manufacturing (AM) is the ideal solution for low volume, fast iteration cycles needed for prototype testing, design iteration, and subsequently, flight qualification. We have demonstrated a hybrid AM and digital manufacturing platform with 1-week turnaround time for low volume orders encompassing a range of chip geometries representative of the majority of application use cases. These custom ceramics chip carriers achieve survivability of the devices to temperature cycling from -196 ˚C to 80 ˚C, shock and vibration exceeding 10,000 g. and increased radiation tolerance. The performance achieved by this hybrid AM platform represents a significant contribution towards accelerating innovations for hypersonics and outer space applications.