T.J. Tarka
National Energy Technology Laboratory,
United States
Keywords: minerals, critical materials, REE, CMM, de-risk, validation, accelerate, commercialize, optimize, extraction, beneficiation, alloys, refining, advanced manufacturing
The Minerals to Materials Supply Chain Research Facility (METALLIC) brings together the resources of nine national labs to establish a "virtual facility" as the destination to validate, improve, and help commercialize technologies developed by domestic entities, amplifying the impact of the DOE and other U.S. government investments. METALLIC’s focus is grounded in establishing a CMM innovation ecosystem to (1) validate and test technologies, (2) connect technology developers to technology users (and vice versa) and (3) identify pathways for CMM production from new feedstocks. To achieve this, METALLIC provides a versatile platform for supporting CMM Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (RDD&D) activities across supply chain segments, focusing on TRL 3 to 6+ and informed by input from Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM’s) Office of Resource Sustainability and the Critical Materials Collaborative (CMC). Operations are organized into four centers of expertise, each addressing a different area of the CMM supply chain: (1) Feedstock Beneficiation; (2) Extracations & Separations; (3) Refining; and (4) Alloy Development and Advanced Manufacturing. Each center focuses on selected activities, including equipment and test-beds for technology testing and validation. These centers are supported by an enabling activities team which provides a linkage across the centers. This talk will provide an overview of METALLIC's capabilities, scope, and vision along with details on how to work with us.