Probing bacterial elastomers, rewritable microfluidics and EUV resist development

P. Ashby, D. Li, Y. Chai, L. Long, J. Chen, C. Ajo-Franklin, T. Russell, P. Naulleau
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
United States

Keywords: engineered living materials, structured liquids, Pickering emulsions, EUV lithography, EUV resists


My group at the Molecular Foundry focuses on the characterization of functional properties that arise from nanoscale composition and structure. I will present a bacterial elastomer, an Engineered Living Material, built by crosslinking the fresh water bacterium, C. Crescentus, together. The bacterial elastomer is regenerable and responsive to external stimuli. I will also present our characterization of the formation of all liquid structures with persistent shape. Nanoparticles densely assemble at the liquid-liquid interface leading to jamming which solidifies the interface allowing for the formation of far-from-equilibrium liquid shapes which can be used to make rewritable microfluidics. Lastly, I will present our efforts to characterize the factors that compromise patterning of EUV resists during development.