M.F. Ijaz
King Saud University,
Saudi Arabia
Keywords: femtosecond laser micromachining, microstructure, mechanical properties, biomedical, Ti alloys
Biomaterial is a substance engineered to interact with biological systems for a medical purpose, either therapeutic or diagnostic. Recently, numerous approaches for producing porous implants such as plasma sintering, additive manufacturing, and other methods that emphasize surface modification for generating fast bone ingrowth have been used. Surface micromachining by femtosecond laser is considered to be within the domain of advanced mechanical engineering, where micro-machining has become a powerful tool for controlling surface properties and sub-surface integrity of materials used in various applications [1,2]. However, determining the tradeoff between structural and mechanical integrity is difficult. This is because designs with porosity of more than 80% result in a reduction in both strength and bone ingrowth. One approach to enhance stress shielding, strength, and bioactivity is to work on the topology of the surfaces for better biocompatibility. To accomplish these attributes novel methodology of femtosecond laser micromachining is utilized and corresponding mechanical and microstructural properties were evaluated by XRD, tensile testing characterization. The findings indicate a significant increase in both hardness and tensile strength of the Ti alloy by 26% and 16% respectively following FSL treatment. These improvements can be attributed to the phase transformation that occurs during FSL treatment, as evidenced by the XRD results. References: 1. Lorène Héraud, Philippe Castany, Muhammad Farzik Ijaz_, Doina-Margareta Gordin , Thierry Gloriant, Large-strain functional fatigue properties of superelastic metastable β titanium and NiTi alloys: A comparative study.Journal of Alloys and Compounds 953 (2023). 2. M.F. Ijaz , F.H. Hashmi, _Revisiting Alloy Design of Al-Base Alloys for Potential Orthotics and Prosthetics Applications, 2022. 3. Yu.R. Kolobov, E.A. Korneeva, I.N. Kuz'menko, A.N. Skomorokhov, S.I. Kudryashov, A.A. Ionin, S.V. Makarov, A.Yu. Kolobova, S.S. Manokhin,V.I. Betekhtin, A.G. Kadomtsev, 2018, published in Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2018, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 396--401. 4. Evans Chikarakara, Sumsun Naher, Dermot Brabazon, High speed laser surface modification of Ti--6Al--4V.