Dr. Jinyong Liu is an Associate Professor and Won & Insook Yoo Endowed Chair at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of California Riverside (UCR). He received his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 2016, Dr. Liu has significantly advanced UV-based approaches for PFAS degradation. His lab at UCR has (1) investigated the structure-reactivity relationship and degradation mechanisms of 150+ individual PFAS chemicals, (2) developed a series of UV-based technologies and integrated systems toward efficient and complete PFAS destruction in complex environmental matrices, and (3) contributed methods and tools to various collaborative projects in PFAS degradation and detection at the lab- and pilot-scales. The related publications have received more than 165,000 downloads. Beyond PFAS degradation, his lab also focuses on the catalytic reduction of oxyanions (such as perchlorate and nitrate) and developing metal catalyst systems for environmental applications.