JUNE 9-11, 2025 | AUSTIN, TX
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  Nanoparticle Synthesis & Manufacturing Innovation  

This symposium will feature innovations in nanoparticle manufacturing that are already creating new materials for commercial applications, and highlight the latest advances in research that will provide the materials and novel applications of the future. Submit an abstract and plan to share your research and innovations at this dynamic event.

Submit Poster Abstract - due December 17 »

Please first review the information for authors — abstract submission guidelines.

Topics & Application Areas
  • Nanoparticle Synthesis
  • Manufacturing Innovation
  • Nanoparticle Characterization
  • Novel Applications
  • Environmental Health and Safety
  • Other

Symposium Co-Chairs

Prakash D. Nallathamby

Prakash D. Nallathamby

Associate Director of Research at the Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health

University of Notre Dame

Loucas Tsakalakos

Loucas Tsakalakos

Director Of Engineering

Coherent Corp.

2024 Key Speakers Included

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2024 Symposium Sessions

Monday June 17

4:00Nanoparticles - Posters

2024 Symposium Program

Monday June 17

10:30NanoparticlesChesapeake C
Session chair: Joe Smith, Missouri University of Science & Technology, US
How to increase the energy efficiency of a LCD by the use of a quantum dot enhancement film emitting polarized light
J. Niehaus, S. Becker, T. Jochum, Fraunhofer CAN, DE
Spark Ablated Nanoparticle Synthesis with VSP-P1
T.E. Plona, D.C. Loveday, J.J. Slack, J.L. Harding, Nanoscience Instruments, US
2D-Hydrodynamic Flow Focused Microfluidic Analog to Bulk Nanoparticle Fabrication
E.K. Marecki, B. Davidson, P. Knight, K.W. Oh, SUNY University at Buffalo, US
Synthesis of NIR quantum dots and their application
S. Becker, E. Salikhova, J.S. Niehaus, Fraunhofer CAN, DE
4:00Nanoparticles - PostersExpo Hall BC
*STUDENT POSTER AWARDEE* Copper-bearing hydrotalcite minerals as precursors for photocatalytic supported plasmonic nanoparticles
J. Cabezas Parra, E.R. Newmeyer, J. North, M. Hershey, D.F. Swearer, Northwestern University, US
In-situ AFM-SEM-EDS nanoparticle imaging and characterization
K. Arat, F. Dong, W.K. Neils, S. Spagna, Quantum Design, US


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