JUNE 9-11, 2025 | AUSTIN, TX
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TechConnect is proud to invite you to enter your abstract in the 28th annual call for submissions. Share your one-of-a-kind applied research or ground breaking innovation, and join us for the co-located Nanotech Conference and SBIR/STTR Spring Innovation Conference in June in Austin, Texas.

Submit Abstract    View Symposia


Early bird deadline: December 17, 2024
Early bird notifications: March 10, 2025
Deadline to confirm: April 25, 2025

All submissions will be reviewed by our prestigious international review committee with a preference towards applications-focused work with clear industry relevance. Symposia are specifically designed to have both industry and academic speakers.

You may also upload a 2-page maximum PDF file with additional information, figures and references to relevant literature, including publications and patents by the author's group. This will enable the reviewers to make a more accurate assessment of your submission, and help the symposium chairs to place your work in the most appropriate part of the program.

Please also consult our Instructions for Technical Presenters section.

Submit an Abstract

  1. Pick an industry sector.
  2. Select a symposium, and a topic/application area covered by that symposium, using the pulldown menu below.
  3. Complete the abstract submission form including the 500-word text-only summary.
  4. Upload your PDF file.

Accepted authors must register for the conference.

Alternatively, select a symposium topic/application area below and then follow steps 3 - 4 above.



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