Back to Top ↑Sessions |
| Monday June 9 |
8:30 | TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes |
10:30 | Hydrogen & Fuel Cells |
10:30 | Sustainable Water Management |
10:30 | Sustainable Graphite Production from Plastic and Other Waste Feedstocks |
10:30 | Energy Storage Keynotes: Energy Challenges |
1:30 | Hydrogen Production |
1:30 | Innovative Solutions for Water Sustainability |
1:30 | Innovations in Magnet Materials and Manufacturing Techniques |
1:30 | Energy Storage: Batteries I |
3:00 | Energy Storage: Batteries II |
4:00 | Fuel Cells & Hydrogen - Posters |
4:00 | Innovations in Critical Materials - Posters |
| Tuesday June 10 |
8:00 | TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes |
8:30 | Advances in Critical Mineral Separation Technologies |
9:00 | Energy Storage: Beyond Batteries I |
9:30 | Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Component Development |
9:30 | Biomass & Renewable Carbon Sources |
9:30 | Synthesis and Nanoscale Phase Behavior |
1:30 | Innovations in Decarbonizing Steel |
1:30 | Biorefineries for Negative Emissions |
1:30 | Sustainable Materials Applications |
1:30 | Novel Critical Material Manufacturing and Scale-up Approaches |
1:30 | Graphene & 2D Materials: Energy Storage Applications |
1:30 | Energy Storage: Safety |
3:30 | Energy Storage: Materials / Components & Power Electronics |
4:00 | Sustainability & Efficiency Innovations - Posters |
4:00 | Polymers - Posters |
4:00 | PFAS Treatment & Detection - Posters |
4:00 | Energy Storage - Posters |
| Wednesday June 11 |
9:00 | Sustainability & Efficiency Innovations |
9:00 | PFAS Treatment & Detection |
9:00 | E-Waste and Metal Recycling Strategies |
9:00 | Energy Storage: Power Electronics & Use Cases |
10:30 | Energy Storage: Beyond Technologies |
1:00 | Critical Materials Tutorial - Open to all attendees |
Detailed Program |
| Monday June 9 |
8:30 | TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes | Lone Star E |
| Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, Dalia Yablon, Matthew Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US |
| To Be Announced M. Pasquali, Rice University, US |
| Future Technologies Based on Mimicking Nature with Controls of Charge, Spin, and Heat P. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles, US |
| To Be Announced E. Page-Littleford, Small Business Administration, US |
10:30 | Hydrogen & Fuel Cells | |
| Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Nexceris Solid Oxide Cell Technology S.L. Swartz, Nexceris, US |
| To Be Announced T. Zawodzinski, University of Tennesse-Knoxville, US |
| Development of a Mobile Fuel Cell Generator J. Schulte, P. Scott, M. Simon, RockeTruck, Inc., US |
| Electrolyzers that Live Outside and Underwater: An Integrated Offshore Hydrogen Production and LDES System for Utility Grid Balancing E. Greenbaum, GTA, Inc., US |
10:30 | Sustainable Water Management | |
| Session chair: Qilin Li, Rice University; Lin Zhao, Dow Chemical Company, US |
| Beyond Decarbonization - Dow's Water & Nature Strategy T. Young, The Dow Chemical Company, US |
| AI Driven Urban Futures: Coupling Decentralized Resource Recovery with Digital Agriculture to Address Urban Sustainability and Resilience Y. Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology, US |
| Direct Lithium Extraction with Solid State Electrolyte Membranes M. Elimelech, S.K. Patel, A. Iddya, W. Pan, J. Qian, Rice University, US |
10:30 | Sustainable Graphite Production from Plastic and Other Waste Feedstocks | |
| Session chair: Santa Jansone-Popova, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Low-temperature production of highly crystalline graphite from unconventional and conventional feedstocks C. Matranga, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| Electrochemically Promoted Sustainable Graphite Production from Unconventional Precursors B.P. Thapaliya, S.M. Mahurin, S. Dai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Upcycling Consumer Plastic Waste By Conversion To Graphitic Carbons: Mechanism(S) And Characterization A. Gharpure, M. Kowalik, A.C. van Duin, R.L. Vander Wal, Penn State University, US |
| Laser-induced Transformation of Polymeric Waste into Graphite I.C. Nlebedim, K. Islam, H-W Noh, A. Karati, A. Sakar, P. Shrotriya, Ames National Laboratory, US |
10:30 | Energy Storage Keynotes: Energy Challenges | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| To Be Announced
| To Be Announced
| To Be Announced
1:30 | Hydrogen Production | |
| Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| H2@Scale in Texas - a "Protohub" that demonstrates the first renewable hydrogen network B. Weeks, M. Lewis, GTI Energy, US |
| HyVelocity, The Texas and Gulf Coast Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub B. Weeks, GTI Energy, US |
| Hydrogen Energy Research Operation (HERO) - Best Practices for an End-to-End Integrated Hydrogen Prototype S. Stuver, GTI Energy, US |
| Is Green Hydrogen the Answer to Energy Reslience? L. Flanagan, Sesame Solar, US |
| Hydrogen Generation through Integrated Sustainable Electrolysis of Water S. Bashir, P. Villareal, J.L. Liu, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, US |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* High-rate photocatalytic hydrogen generation from methanol using narrow bandgap small molecule organic semiconductor N. Kumar, K.M. Alam, M.M. Rana, S. Chitti, R. Pambala, S.S. Aare, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA |
| New Insights on Thermo-catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas and Regeneration R.L. Vander Wal, M.M. Nikiawete, J.H. Heim II, Penn State University, US |
1:30 | Innovative Solutions for Water Sustainability | |
| Session chair: Qilin Li, Rice University; Lin Zhao, Dow Chemical Company, US |
| Integrated Membrane Systems for Selective Removal of Contaminants L.E. Katz, M.R. Landsman, B.D. Freeman, A.F. Seibert, University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Photocatalytic Degradation of Congo Red Using Reduced Graphene Oxide Decorated With TiO2 NT/NR A. Rodríguez-Álvarez, S. Silva-Martínez, J. Arcibar–Orozco, E. Ramírez-Morales, C. Pineda-Arellano, Posgrado Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología SECIHTI-Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A. C., 20200 Aguascalientes, México, MX |
| PFAS destruction via nonthermal plasma in (waste)water W. De Weirdt, Tectero BV, BE |
| Improving Membrane Distillation of Hypersaline Brine with Surface Patterns Y. Ding, S. Fan, J. Chau, K. Sirkar, A. Straub, University of Colorado Boulder, US |
| Produced Water Treatment: A Potential Solution to Growing Water, Energy and Environmental Crises P. Sharan, R. Santosh, A. Findikoglu, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US |
| Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment and Water Disinfection: The Role of Air, Oxygen, and Ozone Nanobubbles R. Govind, University of Cincinnati, US |
1:30 | Innovations in Magnet Materials and Manufacturing Techniques | |
| Session chair: Andriy Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| A Metric Driven Approach to Advancing Critical Materials Research, Development and Demonstration Portfolio J. Mehta, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Critical-material-lean nitride permanent magnets R.W. Smaha, S. O’Donnell, R. Kuchi, Y. Wu, R. Kinner, S.R. Bauers, F. Johnson, I. Hlova, M.J. Kramer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US |
| Near net shape fabrication of anisotropic Nd-Fe-B magnet using hot roll method C. Pan, W. Tang, X. Liu, I. Nlebedim, O. Ryan, J. Cui, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| Thermomagnetic Processing of CeCo-Based ‘Gap’ Magnets M.S. Kesler, M.J Thompson, M.A. Mcquire, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| New Fe-rich Magnets Without Critical Rare Earths A. Palasyuk, A. Raja, O. Palasyuk, D. Schlagel, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| High Torque Permanent Magnet Axial Flux Motors Without Neodymium M. Hays, S. Carr, Orbis Electric, US |
| Application of hydrogen processing on rare earth metals recycling M.M. Feng, Polykala Technologies LLC, US |
1:30 | Energy Storage: Batteries I | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, u.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Emerging battery technologies for grid scale applications P. Shrivastava, PwC India, IN |
| Advanced Graphite-Enhanced Battery Materials for Long-Duration Grid Energy Storage: Innovations in Critical Mineral Utilization and Sustainable Battery Technology E.M. Pierremont, SeaScope Tecnologies, CA |
| Sodium Batteries M. Dongre, WATTHOUR Private Limited, IN |
| Next generation sodium iron chloride batteries for long duration energy storage: Inlyte Energy’s path to market and scale W.E. Gent, A.C. Baclig, B. Kaun, Inlyte Energy, US |
3:00 | Energy Storage: Batteries II | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Lithium Sulfur Flow Batteries for Grid-scale Energy Storage E. Benner, S. Byrne, C. Call, GridFlow, Inc., US |
| Flow-Assisted Manganese-Based Batteries for Long Duration Applications M. Fayette, Z. Grady, W. Lim, X. Li, D. Reed, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| Advancing the 3.7V K-Ion Battery for Stationary Energy Storage L. Xue, Y. Kutsovsky, A. Girau, Group1, US |
| Materials innovation and cell development for room temperature Na-S batteries X. Zheng, H. Hao, S. Jagadeesan, J. Nanda, SLAC, US |
| Aqueous Zinc Battery for Grid application B. Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
4:00 | Fuel Cells & Hydrogen - Posters | |
| Effect of electrolyte in electrochemical anodic oxidation of valve metals and their photocatalytic applications N. Kumar, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA |
4:00 | Innovations in Critical Materials - Posters | |
| Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Lithium Conversion A.H.M. Golam Hyder, B. Nuraeni, S. Gallagher, J. Macholz, A. Lipson, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Selective dissolution and re-precipitation by pH cycling enables recovery of manganese from surface nodules P. Butreddy, S. Mergelsberg, J.N. Jocz, D. Li, V. Prabhakaran, A.J. Ritchhart, C.V. Subban, J. Kellar, S.R. Beeler, S.W. Keenan, E. Nakouzi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| Microwave Plasma Treatment of Biochar for Energy Storage Applications B. Stein, BioDiamond, Inc., US |
| Mechanochemically-facilitated Lithium Extraction from Hard-rock Mineral Spodumene I. Hlova, V. Gvozdetskyi, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| Improving efficiency of critical mineral recovery from industrial waste using pulse plasma comminution A. Gavrilenya, I. Alexandroff, Sharp Pulse, US |
| Li Concentration from Brines through Carbon Utilization and Electrochemistry M. Shi, A. Mukhopadhyay, Idaho National Laboratory, US |
| On-Ramping the Fusion Economy with Kilogram Quantities of Commercial Tritium T.J. Tarnowsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US |
| Electrokinetically Driven Rare Earth Element Separation by Coated Capillary Arrays K.P. McCarthy, T. Watkins, L.C. Merrill, Sandia National Labs, US |
| Pathways to Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Buildout in the United States R.T. Rios, C. Iloeje, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Design Criteria for a Rare Earth Liquid Metal Siphon T. Villalón Jr., Phoenix Tailings, US |
| *STUDENT HONORABLE MENTION* Monazite Beneficiation by Flotation Surface Chemistry E. Konadu-Yiadom, C.G. Anderson, Colorado School of Mines, US |
| Optimization of Membranes Processes for Critical Mineral Recovery: Conceptual Design, Design of Experiments, and Robust Optimization A.W. Dowling, University of Notre Dame, US |
| Lanmodulin-decorated microbes for efficient lanthanide recovery M. Gut, T. Wilhelm, O. Beniston, S. Ogundipe, C.-C. Kuo, K. Nguyen, G. Lindemann, C. Atkins, A. Moyes, A. Furst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US |
| Supply versus Demand Considerations for Critical Minerals R.L. Vander Wal, M.M. Nikiawete, J.H. Heim II, Penn State University, US |
| Acid Recycling in Rare Earth Element Extraction and Purification Processes Using Electrodialysis D. Nothaft, K. Issapour, Uplift Geosystems, US |
| Rapid Sensing to Facilitate Purification of Rare Earth Element-Containing Process Streams Produced Through Membrane-Assisted Solvent Extraction W. Burgess, S. Crawford, N. Siefert, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| Enhanced Domestic Extraction of PGMs. Nickel, Copper and Cobalt from primary sources I. Flores-Aroni, Colorado Schoolod Mines, US |
| Templating-Induced Graphitization of Novolac using Graphene Oxide Additives S. Ike, R. Vander Wal, Penn State University, US |
| Tuesday June 10 |
8:00 | TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes | Lone Star E |
| Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, Dalia Yablon, Matthew Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US |
| National Health Security Innovation Initiatives M. Stebbins, Advanced Technology International (ATI), US |
| DHS Converge B. Henry, Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, US |
| Fireside Chat with DARPA J. Thabet, DARPA, US |
8:30 | Advances in Critical Mineral Separation Technologies | |
| Session chair: Denis Prodius, Ames National Laboratory |
| Commercialization of the Acid-Free Dissolution Recycling (ADR) Technology K. Stoll, Critical Materials Recycling (CMR), US |
| Protein-based rare earth separations J.A. Cotruvo Jr., The Pennsylvania State University, US |
| Advancements in Fundamental Research for Lanthanide Separation S. Pramanik, A. Ivanov, D. Jiang, I. Popovs, S. Jansone-Popova, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Harnessing hydration and kinetic barrier differences in solid confinement for separation C. Liu, University of Chicago, US |
| Enhanced Rare Earth Element Separation via Two-Ligand Solvent Extraction Process S. Jansone-Popova, S. Pramanik, B. Evans, M. Lamb, T. Levitskaia, B. O’Kelley, P. Keller, ORNL, US |
| Computationally Guided and Experimentally Validated Design of Custom Chelators for Critical Mineral Recovery S.M. Nations, S.E. Crawford, L.C. Burrows, W.A. Saidi, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| Reaching for Targeted Leaching: Towards Selective Rare Earth Dissolution using Tailored Lixiviants N.A. Thiele, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Rare Earth Solvent Extraction Separation Using Multi Ligand Approach T.G. Levitskaia, D.H. Altavilla, N.P. Bessen, S. Jansone-Popova, B. O’Kelley, P. Keller, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| Copper extraction from primary sulfides using chemical and biological processes J. Lee, J. Pearlman, S. Alvarado, Colorado School of Mines, US |
| Development and evaluation of bespoke gallium and germanium glycolipid ligands C. Boxley, R. Stolley, C. Atkins, A. Moyes, G. Lindemann, RAMACO Carbon LLC, US |
9:00 | Energy Storage: Beyond Batteries I | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Solving Grid Challenges with A-CAES: A Scalable Solution for Long-Duration Energy Storage in the US D. Tuel, Hydrostor, CA |
| Underground Pumped Storage Hydroelectric using Salt Domes W.M. Taggart IV, Cavern Energy Storage, LLC, US |
| Innovative Long-Duration Energy Storage: Operational Insights and Grid Applications of Advanced Rail Energy Storage M. Gautam, D. Wu, C. Wiggins, R. Rebich, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| ThorCell: Revolutionizing Energy Storage and Carbon Capture with Bio-Derived Innovation C. Mbata, Y. Ukwu, J. Onyeizu, S. Ezumba, Kunfirm Technologies, US |
| Techno Economic Assessment of Moving Particle Thermal Energy Storage Technology for Grid and Process Heat Applications L.P. McLaughlin, Sandia National Laboratories, US |
| Evaluation of Load Shifting in a Heat Pump System with Thermal Energy Storage for Both Heating and Cooling Y. Qiao, Z. Li, L. Wang, B. Shen, K.R. Gluesenkamp , X. Liu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Decarbonizing Industrial Process Heat: Steam Generation with Integrated Energy Storage F. Bassetti, U. d'Agostino, Magaldi Technologies LLC, Magaldi Green Energy, US |
| GridStar Flow, Design for Manufacturing at Volume and Scale: Lessons Learned from 1MW, 10-hr Pilot at Ft. Carson, Colorado D. Petcovic, Lockheed Martin Energy, US |
9:30 | Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Component Development | |
| Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Highly durable low-cost catalysts derived from zeolitic imidazolate framework for proton exchange membrane fuel cell applications D.-J. Liu, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Single Metal Site Catalysts for Sustainable and Clean Hydrogen Energy G. Wu, Washington University in St. Louis, US |
| *STUDENT HONORABLE MENTION* Bubble-Printing Synthesis of High-Entropy Alloys for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis M.-F. Hsieh, A. Swain, Y. Zheng, The University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Resolving Fundamental Challenges of Graphene Integration in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells P. Carmichael, S. Kutagulla, Y. Lee, D. Akinwande, University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Transistor Sensors for PEM Fuel Cell Degradation Monitoring and PFAS Regulation D. Dong, Rowan University, US |
| Facilitating hydrogen adoption with innovative hydrogen gas sensors for prognostics of industrial assets R.A. Potyrailo, GE Vernova Advanced Research Center, US |
9:30 | Biomass & Renewable Carbon Sources | |
| Session chair: Tim Barckholtz, ExxonMobil, US |
| Advancing Winter Camelina for Biofuels L. DePauw, Cargill, CA |
| Biorefining perennial sorghum: Sustainable bio-based materials R.W. Jessup, Texas A&M University, US |
| From Chitin to Sustainable Solutions: Biopolymers for a Circular Future J.L. Shamshina, R. Panackal Shibu, A. Zannat, Texas Tech University, US |
| To Be Announced C. Quiroz-Arita, Sandia National Laboratories, US |
| To Be Announced M. Young, Chevron, US |
9:30 | Synthesis and Nanoscale Phase Behavior | |
| Session chair: Jodie Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M, US |
| Highly Efficient Compatibilizers for Mechanical Recycling of Polyolefin-containing Mixed Plastic Waste C.J. Ellison, University of Minnesota, US |
| Novel Uses of Grubbs-Catalyzed Polymerization of DCPD in the Petroleum Industry T. Nedwed, P. Brant, D. Jack, B. Heller, Safety Harbor Corp, US |
| Harnessing dynamic adhesion within amine-functionalized polyolefins to create high performing and longer-lasting self-healing bonding materials for cleaner industrial applications D.J. Gilmour, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, L.L. Schafer, A2O Advanced Materials Inc., CA |
| Advancing Bio-Inspired Hybrid Composites: Synergistic Optimization of Hierarchical Fibrous Architectures for Lightweight and Multifunctional Engineering P.C. Lee, Univerity of Toronto, CA |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Studying Hyperuniform Structures and Entropic Phase Separation in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles A. Gul, M. Muzzammil Mohammad, M. Bockstaller, K. Matyjaszewski, A. Karim, University of Houston, US |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Biomimetic organogels with phase-separated bicontinuous betworks for superior mechanical performance J. Bao, J. Yang, D. Fan, The University of Texas at Austin, US |
1:30 | Innovations in Decarbonizing Steel | |
| Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| To Be Announced A. Morelato, ArcelorMittal, US |
| Evaluating acidic aqueous solutions for electrochemical deposition of metallic iron B.J. Ingram, Y. Sun, J. Luo, R. Akolkar, J.G. Connell, Q. Liu, Z. Yang, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Pathways to Low Temperature Electrolysis of Iron Oxides at Scale P.A. Kempler, A.C. Goldman, R. Shekhar, A. Konovalova, E. Rahman, University of Oregon, US |
| Hydrogen Plasma Rotary Kiln Furnace Reduction of Iron Ores J. Kopasz, Argonne National Lab, US |
| Direct hydrogen reduction of iron ore concentrate and net-shape fabrication of linear cellular alloy steels J. Kacher, G. Kennedy, S. Saiyara, N. Baltodano, A. Balandin, N. Thadhani, Georgia Institute of Technology, US |
| Engineered Biocarbon Materials for EAF Decarbonization M. Mlinar, B. Spigarelli, M. Young, Natural Resources Research Institute, US |
| Inclusion of waste glass, manufactured sand, fly ash, and slag in the context of circular economy practices for infrastructure durability and resilience and decarbonization of cement/steel industries A.O. Sojobi, R. Taiwo, B.A. Salami, City University of Hong Kong, HK |
1:30 | Biorefineries for Negative Emissions | |
| Session chair: Carlos Quiroz-Arita, Sandia National Laboratories, US |
| Cellulosic biofuels: Addressing cost and land challenges while maximizing climate benefits L. Lynd, Dartmouth College, US |
| State-level biomass waste resource availability and GHG emission mitigation strategies F. Naaz, J. Zhang, U. Singh, T.R. Hawkins, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Soil amendments as value-added products from Integrated Pulp and Paper Biorefinery: An Environmental and Economic Analysis A. Banboukian, D. Kamath, S. Nimbalkar, J. Cresko, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Biomass Based Ethylene – The Foundation a Low Carbon Future F. Liotta, Petron Scientech Inc, US |
| Harnessing Bioelectricity from Organic Waste: A Microbial Fuel Cell-Enhanced Compost System for Renewable Energy Generation S. Chen, P.N. Aquino, K. Hoang, Ohlone College, US |
| ReMINING, Revolutionizing Waste Management, Perfect Recycling D. Rose, K. Sharp, Brothers Services Group LLC, US |
| Enhancing Formate Fermentation with Hydrogen Supplementation for Sustainable Biomanufacturing B. Zakaria, J. Panich, R. Swart, V.S. Nogue, C. Johnson, E. Sundstrom, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, US |
| Enhancing Sustainability in Pea-Based Biorefineries: Producing Isobutanol from Pea Starch R. Buitrago-Tello, U. Lee, M. Menegay, J. McVay, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
1:30 | Sustainable Materials Applications | |
| Session chair: Chris Ellison, University of Minnesota, US |
| Organic Batteries for a More Sustainable Future J.L. Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M University, US |
| Development of next-generation biosensors – discussing the permselective polymer membranes that make this possible M. Tapsak, Glucotrack Inc., US |
| Enabling the Connection between the Structure and Future Composite Component Performance Through High-Resolution Inspection D. Jack, Baylor University, US |
| Developing strong and ductile biomass-based materials toward sustainability B. Chen, T. Li, University of Maryland College Park, US |
| Scaled up ambient pressure synthesis of cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen Z. Iqbal, X. Wang, T.G. Manning, Carbomet LLC in partnership with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and US Army ARDEC-Picatinny, US |
| Performance of post consumer recycled transparent low density polyethylene packaging M. Rutkevičius, S. Zhong, C. Kammer, T. Scott, M. Hetrich, S. Neupane, ABB Inc., US |
1:30 | Novel Critical Material Manufacturing and Scale-up Approaches | |
| Session chair: Alison Fritz, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| The Minerals to Metals Supply Chain Research Facility (METALLIC): Accelerating Critical Mineral and Material Technology Deployment & Innovation T.J. Tarka, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| Exploiting rare-earth elements to enhance properties of next-generation structural alloys: processing to manufacturing and properties M. Taheri-Moudavi, B. Webler, J. Kitchin, A.I. Torres, Carnegie Mellon University, US |
| Rare earth metals production using alternative feedstock that eliminates HF A. Karati, H. Parmar, T. Riedemann, M. Besser, D. Prodius, I.C. Nlebedim, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| Advances in Modeling Capabilities for Critical Mineral Separation Technologies: A PrOMMiS Overview A. Garciadiego, M. Zamarripa, A. Dudchenko, A. Fritz, N. Tran, C.D. Laird, D. Fardis, N. Sahinidis, T. Tarka, NETL, US |
| Geochemistry & Integration J.C. Kennedy, ThREE Consulting / Caldera Holding LLC, US |
| Improving the Economics of REE Recovery from Phosphogypsum by Generating High-Value Coproducts P. Zhang, H. Liang, A. Medley, T. Levitskaia, R. Riman, C. Tsouris, Y. Katsenovich, FIPR Institute, Florida Poly, US |
| Modernization of Conventional Critical Materials Production to Achieve Reduction in CAPEX, OPEX and the Scale of Process Systems M.C. Hargett, K.M. Khozan, CVMR (USA) Inc., US |
| Exploiting REE Mineralization Through Attrition Scrubbing, Sortation, And Preferential Breakage: The Bear Lodge Project C. Gorski, E. Spiller, Colorado School of Mines, US |
1:30 | Graphene & 2D Materials: Energy Storage Applications | |
| Session chair: Anirudha Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory; Babak Anasori, Purdue University, US |
| *STUDENT HONORABLE MENTION* Ultrahigh Electrostatic Energy Density in Au/2D-CuInP2Se6/Graphene Micro-Capacitor R. Padhan, M. Susner, R. Rao, S.A. Kadam, A. Wali, R. Divan, W.C. West, A.V. Sumant, N.R. Pradhan, Jackson State University, US |
| Impact of hBN and Graphene Interlayers on the Dielectric Properties of Flexible Polymer Films F. Hasan Likhi, I. Vlassiouk, A. Karim, University of Houston, US |
| Synergistic Design of Graphene-Enhanced X₂HgI₄ (X = Tl, Cu) Nanocomposites: Revolutionizing Thermochromic Smart Materials and High-Performance Solid Electrolytes F. Soofivand, National Research Council-Nanoscience Institute (CNR-NANO) and NEST-Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza S. Silvestro 12, 56127 Pisa, Italy, IT |
| Computational Study of h-BN-Modified AGNRs for Advanced Energy Storage and Semiconductor Applications R. Khandaker, J. Sarker Ayesha, B. Barman, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, BD |
| Optimizing Deposition of Platinum Nanoparticles on Functionalized Graphene Oxide M. Mahin, N. Ahamad, H. Fairbrother, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), BD |
| Recent Development of High-density Energy Storage Thin Film Dielectric Capacitors with Record Efficiency using Polymers and 2D Materials N. Pradhan, Jackson State University, US |
1:30 | Energy Storage: Safety | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Advanced Safety and Reliability Considerations for Large-Scale Energy Storage Systems A. Gupta, M. Jaiswal, Northeastern University, US |
| Safety Considerations for Battery Energy Storage Systems: From Conception to Culmination and Beyond R. Spray, S. Lele, Exponent, US |
| Fire Safety for Mobile Robots functioning in Chaotic Conditions W.F. Hederman, Collegiate Robotic Football Conference, US |
| Fault Management Software to Increase BESS Reliability and Safety B. Ramamurthy, D. Sblendorio, Critical Loop, Inc., US |
| Self-Quenching Battery Pack: D^3 Concept of Detect, Direct, and Douse to Contain Thermal Runaway S. Pannala, T. Li, L. Chen, D. Pelletier, SABIC, US |
| The Impacts of Procedure in the FMEA of Lithium-Ion Batteries F.S. Gray, E. Cheever, W.S. Tang, J. Jeevarajan, UL Research Institutes: Electrochemical Safety Research Institute, US |
3:30 | Energy Storage: Materials / Components & Power Electronics | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| 1.8MW 13.8kVAC to 1kVDC Solid State Transformer (SST) for Energy Storage Systems A. Kelinsky; T. Beechner, RCT Systems, US |
| Advanced Fuel Cell Power Converter (AFCPC) G. Santamaria, A. Jathar, M. Simon, RockeTruck, Inc., US |
| Development of Cost-Effective Energy Storage Systems by Earth Abundant Materials for Long Duration Storage R. Amin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
4:00 | Sustainability & Efficiency Innovations - Posters | |
| From Ground to Grid: The Environmental Footprint of Minerals in Renewable Energy Supply Chains G. Swami, K. Sheth, D. Patel, ICF Inc, US |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Advanced Flow Optimization Solution for Winter Oil and Gas Well Performance J. Ali Khan, M. Irani, M. Cokar, PetroND Energy Solutions (University of North Dakota), US |
| Advanced Net Zero & Zero Carbon Engine System D.A. Dudzik, International Association for the Advancement of Steam Power, US |
| Innovative Bioprocess for Antimicrobial Biosurfactants and Polyphenol-Based Therapeutics A. Badis, A. Tared, S. Hadjala, E. Kamel, F. Zohra Ferradji, University of Blida 1, DZ |
| H2S Poisoning of an Anion Exchange Membrane CO 2 Electrolyzer Z. Liu, H. Yang, M. Resch, C. David, C. Hahn, Dioxide materials, US |
| Experimental study, finite element analysis and validation of mechanical properties, fracture/failure characteristics in aluminum and magnesium light alloys dissimilar welding joint with steel/aluminum filler material R. Islam, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Malaysia, BD |
| A Super Hybrid Internal Combustion Eine Retrofit Technology M.J. Yan, Yan Engines, LLC, US |
| Environmental sustainability analysis of a novel glass-fibre composite biogas scrubbing system for industrial-scale application in developing countries R. Rasheed, F. Tahir, F. Tahir, Government College Univeristy Lahore, PK |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Life Cycle Assessment of Amine Solvents for CO₂ Capture: A Comparative Analysis of MEA and AEEA for Sustainable CO2 Capture M. Sharifi Paroushi, N. Saadati, S. Abbasi Sharif, N. Mahmoudzadeh Vaziri, A. Golzary, Missouri University of Science and Technology, US |
| Quantitative Infrared Thermography for Building Envelope Energy Audits P. Mukhopadhyaya, M. Mahmoodzadeh, V. Gretka, University of Victoria, CA |
4:00 | Polymers - Posters | |
| Activated carbon to improve the performance of membrane processes for the extraction and storage of emerging pollutants S. Oukkass, I. Mourtah, R. Ouchn, I. Mechnou, I. El Yaakouby, N. Kamil, M. Hlaïbi, Hassan II University of Casablanca Aïn Chock Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory GeMEV, MA |
| Preparation, Characterization, and Application of Antibacterial Electrospun Nanofiber Mats A. Adams, E.G William, H. Uddin, Coppin State University, US |
| Complete Recycling of Epoxies using Solar Energy Conversion M. Finale, J. Logan, J. McCoy, Y. Lee, S. Chowdhury, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, US |
4:00 | PFAS Treatment & Detection - Posters | |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Kinetic and mechanism study of PFOS removal from water using micro-scale zero-valent iron (mZVI) M. Ji, X.G. Meng, C. Christodoulatos, Stevens Institute of Technology, US |
| PFAS Adsorption Mechanism of SMC and Impacts on PFAS Bioaccumulation in Earthworms R.A. Dickman, M. Donovan, CETCO, US |
| A "Drop-in" Treatment System for PFAS Impacted Liquids A. Boettcher, T. Egner, C. Chidiac, DeployX Services, Inc., US |
| Total PFAS detection with advanced solid-state nanopore chips Z. Xia, Goeppert LLC, US |
| A sustainable high-throughput solution for PFAS destruction J. Brockgreitens, Z. Rogers, Claros Technologies, US |
4:00 | Energy Storage - Posters | |
| Reliability Testing of Commercial Li-ion Battery Cells for Stationary Energy Storages D. Choi, N. Shamim, E. Thomsen, Q. Huang, A.J. Crawford, V.V. Viswanathan, D.M. Reed, V.L. Sprenkle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| The status and challenges in the development of sustainable batteries for energy storage applications X.L. Li, D.M. Reed, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| Prismatic Battery Cell Thermal Modelling Using Aluminum Nitride Components D. Jimenez-Rivera, P. Quintero-Aguilo, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, US |
| Power Reliability and Usability T. Baker, Virtual-Paralegals LLC, US |
| Solar Powered Utility Median Barrier at Rhode Island Highways A. Baro, E2SOL LLC, US |
| Simulation of PCM Thermal Energy Storage Units Using Lattice Boltzmann Method Coupled with Bayesian Networks D.Y. Chen, Y.Y. Qiao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN |
| Thermal Analysis of Micro-Cell Format Lithium-Ion Batteries: Building A Materials Safety Database M. Trujillo, V. Rikka, W.S. Tang, J. Jeevarajan, UL Research Institutes - Electrochemical Research Institute, US |
| Rule-based control of thermal energy storage integrated heat pump system: field test and simulation study Y. Qiao, L. Wang, X. Liu, B. Shen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Wednesday June 11 |
9:00 | Sustainability & Efficiency Innovations | |
| Session chair: Sehoon Chang, Aramco Americas, US |
| Vertical Solar Generator (VSG): Transforming Solar Energy with Innovative Materials and Space-Efficient Design C. Mbata, V. Omachi, Y. Ukwu, J. Onyeizu, S. Ezumba, Kunfirm Technologies, US |
| Building Integrated Photovoltaics and their Obstacles and Opportunities B.P. Jelle, G. Lobaccaro, M. Manni, T. Gao, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO |
| Synchronized-Fleet Airborne Robotics Platform: Inspecting Mission-Critical Defense and Energy Facilities with AI-Driven Real-Time Data Analytics and Predictive Maintenance Algorithms for Sustainably Improved Operational & Maintenance (O&M) Efficiency D. Sharoni, A.M. Peres, UAV-Hive Inc., US |
| Two New Technologies to Enable Environmental Sustainability in the Oil & Gas Industry D.N. Rao, B.D. Saikia, Louisiana state university, US |
| SPARK: Pioneering Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Greener Future J. Bishop, D. Bishop, G. Fernicola, Bishop Ascendant Inc., US |
| Challenges and Opportunities in Recovery, Reuse, and Recycling for Secure Product and Material Supply Chains A. Robinson Turner, US Department of Energy - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office, US |
| Sustainable and Reliable Solar-Based EV Charging Infrastructure: A Strategic Framework F. Najdawi, T. Jin, E. Fainman, Texas State University, US |
| Deploying EV Fast Chargers under Uncertainty for Long-Term Financial Sustainability E. Mallett, E. Fainman, T. Jin, Texas State University, US |
| The Silver Line: Revolutionizing Sustainable Infrastructure Through Gravity-Powered Water and Energy Systems C. Blakey, Pharaoh Analytics Inc, US |
| Unlocking the Full Energy Potential and Advanced Material Manufacturing Opportunities From Natural Superheated Geothermal Brines J.H. Johnston, CaSil Technologies Ltd, NZ |
9:00 | PFAS Treatment & Detection | |
| Session chair: Zhe Qiang, University of Southern Mississippi; Meng Wang, University of Pittsburgh, US |
| Photochemical Degradation of PFAS: Performance Improvements and Treatment Strategies J. Liu, Z. Liu, D. Rao, J. Gao,, University of California, Riverside, US |
| Amine functionalized magnetic graphene oxide for adsorptive removal of PFAS S. Mahpishanian, M. Zhou, R. Foudazi, The University of Oklahoma, US |
| To Be Announced C. Griggs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US |
| Selective PFAS Removal from Wastewater by Membrane Technology: Challenges and Innovations M.M. Feng, Polykala Technologies LLC, US |
| Removal of perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) using adsorbents produced from cellulose nanomaterials K.C. Tam, E. Ojogbo, University of Waterloo, CA |
| Process to Separate PFAS from Water Streams using Colloidal Gas Aphrons (CGAs) H. Javed, P.R. Kulkarni, C.J. Newell, N.W. Johnson, J.A. Connor, A. Farnell, GSI Environmental Inc., US |
| Remediation of Short-Chain PFAS from Water by Using Electrospun Nanofibrous Filter Material L. Zhang, H. Attigah, I. Jahan, S. Mantripragada, S. Obare, North Carolina A&T State University, US |
9:00 | E-Waste and Metal Recycling Strategies | |
| Session chair: Chong Liu, University of Chicago, US |
| Electrochemical Recovery of Tellurium from End-of-Life CdTe Photovoltaic Solar Panels A. Mukhopadhyay, M. Shi, H.W. Rollins, D.M. Ginosar, Idaho National Laboratory, US |
| Environmentally Impactful and Energy-Efficient Acid-Free Recycling of Rare Earth Elements from e-Waste Magnets for Decarbonized Manufacturing D. Prodius, Ames National Laboratory/Critical Materials Innovation Hub, US |
| Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Electronic Waste J. Qiu, Texas A&M University, US |
| Wastewater Remediation and Rare Earth Element Recovery from Electronic Waste via Selective Precipitation P. Sun, J.L. Anderson, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| Lanthanide Sulfate Recovery by Synergistic Dimethyl Ether (DME) and Na2SO4 Fractional Crystallization C. Tolbert, C. Stetson, D. Prodius, C. Orme, D. Appy, I. Nlebedim, A. Wilson, Idaho National Laboratory, US |
| Direct lithium extraction from brines and recycled lithium ion batteries P. Paranthaman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Protein-based Process for Enhanced Rare Earth Element Separation D.M. Park, P. Diep, Z. Dong, J. Seidel, W. Choi, J. Cotruvo, Y. Jiao, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, US |
| Altering Mixing Conditions to Enhance Selective Precipitation of Critical Minerals C.V. Subban, P.J. Valdez, Q. Wang, J. Liu, J.N. Jocz, S. Ramakrishnan, S. Suffield, Pacific Northwest National Lab, US |
9:00 | Energy Storage: Power Electronics & Use Cases | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| System integration challenges and opportunities for rechargeable zinc manganese dioxide (ZnMnO2) batteries G. Yadav, G. Cowles, Urban Electric Power, Inc., US |
| Zero-field Multiple Functioning Josephson Diode Array Device with a Nanostructured Membrane Design Enabled Aviation Application with High-Efficiency High-Frequency Rectifications E.T. Chen, J.T. Thornton, S-H. Duh, Advanced Biomimetic Sensors, Inc., US |
| Thermal Energy Storage project at Hospital will reduce GHG emissions by 95% and thermal energy costs by 40% J. Koontz, Rock Energy Storage, US |
| Using AC Impedance to Identify Rate-Limiting Processes in Batteries E.C. Self, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
10:30 | Energy Storage: Beyond Technologies | |
| Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US |
| Evaluating the effectiveness of energy storage development policies W. McNamara, Sandia National Laboratories, US |
| EverBESS: a tool for assessing the cost and environmental impacts of end-of-life management of battery energy storage systems A. Baby, J.R. Elias, Q. Dai, J.S. Spangenberger, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Powering the Future: How Policy Unlocks the Full Potential of Long-Duration Energy Storage in the US S. Griffiths, Hydrostor, CA |
| Sparking a Human-Centric 24/7 Electricity Network K. Johnston, NextGen Energy Partners, US |
1:00 | Critical Materials Tutorial - Open to all attendees | |
| Session chair: Santa Jansone-Popova, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| Introduction to Rare Earths and Permanent Magnet Materials (TEA/Lifecycle/Supply Chain of magnets) B.J. Smith, Argonne National Laboratory, US |
| Mining, Extraction, Processing, Concentration, and Separation C. Anderson, Colorado School of Mines, US |
| From Waste to Resource: Secondary and Unconventional Feedstocks A. Fritz, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US |
| Magnetism Explored: Fundamentals, Discoveries, Developments, Applications, and Future Prospects A. Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, US |
| Metallization/Magnet Fabrication and Manufacturing/Recycling End-of-Life Permanent Magnets J. Cui, Iowa State University, US |
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