JUNE 9-11, 2025 | AUSTIN, TX
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Monday June 9

8:30TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes
1:30Emerging Methods for Materials Design with Artifical Intelligence I

Tuesday June 10

8:00TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary Keynotes
9:30Emerging Methods for Materials Design with Artifical Intelligence II
1:30Applications of AI-based Materials Design Methods
4:00AI for Materials Design - Posters
4:00AI Innovations - Posters

Wednesday June 11

9:00AI Innovations

Detailed Program

Monday June 9

8:30TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary KeynotesLone Star E
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, Dalia Yablon, Matthew Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US
To Be Announced
M. Pasquali, Rice University, US
Future Technologies Based on Mimicking Nature with Controls of Charge, Spin, and Heat
P. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles, US
To Be Announced
E. Page-Littleford, Small Business Administration, US
1:30Emerging Methods for Materials Design with Artifical Intelligence I
Session chair: Michael Rauch, Schrodinger, US
Multiscale machine learning accelerates materials computations
B. Kozinsky, Harvard University, US
Complex Polymer Design in the Age of AI: What, How, and Why?
M.A. Webb, Princeton University, US
AI-Driven Innovation for Polymeric Materials and Formulations: The PolymRize Approach
R. Gurnani, Matmerize, US
Towards Complex Materials Development: Integration of Physics-Based and Machine Learning Approaches
E.M. Collins, K.B. Moore, H. Abroshan, D. Giesen, M.D. Halls, A. Chandrasekaran, Schrödinger, Inc., US
CAMINNO Gen6: Enhancing Advanced Manufacturing for High-Tech Applications with Digital Twins and Scientific Machine Learning
A. Stein, CAMINNO, Inc., US

Tuesday June 10

8:00TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary KeynotesLone Star E
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, Dalia Yablon, Matthew Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US
National Health Security Innovation Initiatives
M. Stebbins, Advanced Technology International (ATI), US
DHS Converge
B. Henry, Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, US
Fireside Chat with DARPA
J. Thabet, DARPA, US
9:30Emerging Methods for Materials Design with Artifical Intelligence II
Session chair: Nobuyuki N. Matsuzawa, Panasonic, US
Direct Inverse Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Desings of Molecules, Materials, and Processes
H. Kaneko, Meiji University, JP
Revolutionizing Materials Science: Accelerating Discovery and Innovation with LQMs
T. Mustard, T. Sours, A. Singh, O. Allam, M. Cormier, A. Xiao, SandboxAQ, US
Surrogate modeling with finite-element-based physics-informed neural networks
R.B. Sills, P. Sunil, M. Vasoya, Rutgers University, US
Better Together: Combining Machine Learning and Physics-Based Models to Accelerate Product Development
S.D. Edkins, Citrine Informatics, US
Reactivity of Detached XLi₆ Nanoclusters with SEI Components: A Computational Framework for Lithium-Ion Battery Stability
F.A. Soto, The Penn State University-Harrisburg, US
1:30Applications of AI-based Materials Design Methods
Session chair: Jan-Willem Handgraaf, Siemens, US
Accelerating Materials Innovation with an Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Framework
S. Arumugam, C. Bream, Ansys, UK
Designing extreme-performance materials for air, land, sea and space with advanced computation
T. Gardner, Cambium, US
Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build new generation gas sensors to positively impact society
R.A. Potyrailo, S. Shan, T. Wang, GE Vernova Advanced Research Center, US
Machine-Learning-Driven Predictive 3D Ramified Foam Fabrication and Mechanistic Understanding
Y. Liu, The University of texas at austin, US
Sustainable Graphite Production from Plastic and Biomass: a Modeling Approach
T. Hossain, L. Toba, Idaho National Laboratory, US
4:00AI for Materials Design - Posters
Automated Synthesis and Precision Growth of 2D Materials for Next-Generation Electronics
M.A Vignon, Analyticaxpress, US
A Review of AI-Enhanced Materials for Sustainable Energy Systems
H. Saha, A.K. Saha, Haldia Institute of Technology, IN
4:00AI Innovations - Posters
Harnessing AI: Bridging the Gap Between Innovators and Federal Grant Opportunities
K.M Cooper, V Palermo, Grant Management Associates, US
Cybersecure Smart Activated Mesh solution for animal detection & deterrence in a power substation based on AI
S. Chanda, R. Dubey, D. Patel, S. Vijay, SAM Analytic Solutions LLC., US
Driving Innovation with User Experience and Design: Uncovering Obstacles in Organizational Processes
Z. Yang, M. Karry, T-W Su, M. Hall, University of California, Santa Cruz, US
Robust and Portable Performance Datasets for HPC with Generative AI
M. Ali, A. Qasem, Texas State University, US
Large Language Models for High-Performance Computing
Z. Sadman, A. Qasem, Texas State University, US
Dynamic Data and AI driven Healthcare Billing Audit Framework
T. Ekin, L. Shaw, Texas State University, US
RoadRating: Realtime Safety Scoring of the Travel Paths
S. Das, Texas State University, US
Task-specific Evaluation for Biomedical Large Language Models (LLMs) for the HealthCare Industry
A. Dutta, Texas State University, US
Generative AI-Powered Synthetic Clinical Data for Accelerating AI Innovations in Clinical Workflow
F. Akkawi, M. Schumar, S. Kakade, S. Popuri, Northwestern University, US
Sustainability Intelligence: Transforming Corporate Risk Assessment and Detection with Generative AI
D. Wadhwa, S. Kakade, F. Akkawi, Northwestern University, US

Wednesday June 11

9:00AI Innovations
Session chair: Jan-Willem Handgraaf, Siemens, US
From Imagination to Experimentation to Full Scale Adoption: How to ensure a successful Generative AI Project
J. Hogan, SHI International Corp., US
Real-Time Data, Real-Life Impact: Halite Medical's AI Solution for Emergency Care
R. Wong, D. Sharrock, S. Hickey, Halite Medical, US
LifeLensAR: AI-Driven Voice Recognition and Assisted Reality for Streamlined Nursing Documentation in Long-Term Care
C. Lewis, A. Lehman, M. Schaffner, I. Wang, A. Andoy, 360 Social Impact Studios, US
From Digital Thread to Physical Thread: Traceability through procurement, manufacturing, integration, and deployment
E.W. Dodd, Cofactr, US
Teamo – a personalized AI assistant designed to revolutionize AI adoption at scale
T. Eftimov, B. Votanova, TeamLift, US
Generative AI to Accelerate Manufacturing Supply Chains
Z. Tschirhart, J.M. Rozmus, Sustainment, US
*STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Transforming Healthcare with AI: Security and Privacy in Remote AI-Enabled Stethoscopes
S. Kumar, W. Glenewinkel, A. Singh, Texas A&M University, US
A Physics Informed Gaussian Process Model for Real-time Simulation of Tire-Terrain Interactions
S.A. Kowshik, A. Srinivasa, J.N. Reddy, Texas A and M University,, US
Scaling AI with Confidence: Secure and Private Industrial Implementation
D. Himanshu, S. Satish, Rightchoice Services LLC, US
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