TechConnect World 2019
Co-Located with Nanotech 2019 SBIR/STTR Spring AI TechConnect
Nanotech 2019

Nano & Microfibrillated Cellulose

Nano and Microfibrillated Cellulose

Symposium Co-Chairs

World L-S  NiehWorld L-S Nieh
National Program Lead, Forest Products & Wood Utilization Research
U.S. Forest Service

Sean IrelandSean Ireland
Vice President Business Development
Fiberlean Technologies Ltd.

Key Speakers

Tian LiEmerging Wood Technologies for Energy Efficient Buildings
Tian Li
Research Associate, University of Maryland

David SkuseMineral/ microfibrillated cellulose composite materials: Engineered minerals and product forms
David Skuse
VP Technology, FiberLean Technologies Limited, United Kingdom

Nicole StarkWater-based esterification and processing of cellulose nanofibrils with polylactic acid for packaging films
Nicole Stark
Research Chemical Engineer, USDA Forest Products Laboratory


Symposium Sessions

Wednesday June 19

1:30Nano & Microfibrillated Cellulose
3:30Nano & Microfibrillated Cellulose: Posters

Symposium Program

Wednesday June 19

1:30Nano & Microfibrillated Cellulose303
Session chair: Sean Ireland, Fiberlean Technologies Ltd, US
1:30Water-based esterification and processing of cellulose nanofibrils with polylactic acid for packaging films
N.M. Stark, R.C. Sabo, L.M. Matuana R.A. Lafia-Araga, U.S. Forest Service, US
1:55Eco- and health-friendly gypsum board substitute based on cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) as a binder
I. Hafez, M. Tajvidi, University of Maine, US
2:15Mineral/ microfibrillated cellulose composite materials: Engineered minerals and product forms
D. Skuse, Y. Jin, S. Ireland, FiberLean Technologies Limited, UK
2:35Impact of colloidal stability on cellulose nanocrystals self-ordering in thin films
C. Bruel, J.R. Tavares, P.J. Carreau, M.-C. Heuzey, Polytechnique Montreal, CA
2:55Cellulose Nanocrystals based lubricants
D. Grecov, M.J. Shariatzadeh, University of British Columbia, CA
3:15Low-cost adsorbent for water purification
M. Li, Y. Boluk, M.G. El-Din, University of Alberta, CA
3:35Working with Cellulose Nanomaterials – Preparing a risk-based practical handling guidance
S. Clancy, Vireo Associates, US
3:30Nano & Microfibrillated Cellulose: PostersBoylston Hallway
Evaluating the Safety Cellulose Nanomaterials for Food-Related Uses Using an Alternative Testing Strategy
J. Ede, C. Sayes, J.A. Shatkin, Vireo Advisors, CA
Evaluating hydrophobic coatings and covalent functionalization of nanocellulose for use as a biodegradable nanocomposite filler
B.P. Frank, E.R. Caudill, R.S. Lankone, J.A. Pedersen, D.H. Fairbrother, Johns Hopkins University, US
Trace Level Pesticide Detection in Water by Cellulose Nanofibrils (CNF) Substrate
M.R. Hossen, M.D. Mason, University of Maine, US
Ultrasonication-Assisted Dispersion Of Cellulose Nanocrystals: A Comprehensive Study
M. Girard, J.R. Tavares, M.-C. Heuzey, Polytechnique Montreal, CA

This symposium focuses on recent technology development for nano and microfibrillated cellulose materials and bacterial nanocellulose with applications in a broad range of products. Submit an abstract and join researchers from around the world as we highlight the research and manufacturing innovation that will continue to broaden the impact of cellulose.

2019 Sponsors & Partners
2019 Sponsors & Partners