JUNE 9-11, 2025 | AUSTIN, TX
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About SPMConnect

SPMConnect is an annual AFM-based conference to foster and support the AFM community in terms of idea exchange, best practices development, mentoring, and career development. In addition to research talks, in line with the industrial/innovation theme of the broader TCW meeting, SPMConnect will feature panel discussions and plenty of opportunities for AFM researchers and scientists to meet, network and exchange ideas.

This conference aims to bring together users from a wide variety of disciplines including polymer science, biology, energy, computing, materials science, and more who share an interest in SPM as an instrument to explore nanoscale phenomena and characterization. SPMConnect aims to include scientists and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds including industry, instrumentation vendors, academia, and national labs. Technical abstracts for both oral and poster presentation are welcomed with topics for SPMConnect listed below.

Submit your Abstract - due April 4

Please first review the information for authors — abstract submission guidelines.

Topics & Application Areas
  • Nanomechanical measurements on soft materials
  • SPM in biology and medicine
  • AI/ML methods for SPM measurement, acquisition, image processing
  • High speed/high resolution SPM
  • Multimodal SPM-based methods
  • Industrial / real world applications
  • SPM for Energy Applications
  • FluidFM
  • Other

Symposium Co-Chairs

Simona Patange

Simona Patange


National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dalia Yablon

Dalia Yablon

Technical Program Chair

TechConnect World Innovation Conference

Filippo Mangolini

Filippo Mangolini

Associate Professor

The University of Texas at Austin

Jinhui Tao

Jinhui Tao


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Key Speakers Include

Paul Ashby

Probing bacterial elastomers, rewritable microfluidics and EUV resist development

Paul Ashby

Facility Director,

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Peter Vekilov

Nonclasscial mechanisms of inhibition of beta-hematin crystallization inform strategies to suppress blood-stage malaria parasites

Peter Vekilov


University of Houston

Liam Collins

Liam Collins


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Yi-Chih Lin

High-speed atomic force microscopy: A structural and dynamic tool for visualizing single-molecule biological processes

Yi-Chih Lin

Assistant Professor,

The University of Texas at Austin

Jason Killgore

Jason Killgore

Project Leader

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Hyacinth Lechuga

AFM-IR development for applications in industrial research

Hyacinth Lechuga



Kinga Kovács

Nanoinjection of extracellular vesicles to single live cells by robotic fluidic force microscopy

Kinga Kovács


HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, Hungary

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Symposium Sessions

Monday June 9

10:30SPMConnect: Cells, Biomolecules, and Biomaterials I
1:30SPM Applications in Material Discovery I

Tuesday June 10

9:00SPM Nanomechanical Measurements
3:00SPMConnect: Novel Methods
4:00SPM Connect - Posters

Symposium Program

Monday June 9

10:30SPMConnect: Cells, Biomolecules, and Biomaterials I
Session chair: Jinhui Tao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Nonclasscial mechanisms of inhibition of beta-hematin crystallization inform strategies to suppress blood-stage malaria parasites
H.-J. Lee, H. Azargoshasb, P.G. Vekilov, University of Houston, US
Combined multimodal nanomechanical and IR-absorption AFM modes for the study of soft and bio-sourced materials
N. Domingo, M. Checa, R. Millan, L. Collins, A. Ievlev, S. Soini, V. Merk, H. Li, M. Foston, R. Farahi, A. Passian, S. Jesse, K. Kelley, CNMS/ORNL, US
Probing bacterial elastomers, rewritable microfluidics and EUV resist development
P. Ashby, D. Li, Y. Chai, L. Long, J. Chen, C. Ajo-Franklin, T. Russell, P. Naulleau, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
Gel Front Nanomechanics in Photopolymer Hydrogels
J.P. Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
1:30SPM Applications in Material Discovery I
Session chair: Filippo Mangolini, University of Texas at Austin, US
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of Moiré Electrostatic Potential on Twisted Hexagonal Boron Nitride Multilayers
N. Austin-Bingamon, M. Goodman, R. Dominguez, R. Mayorga-Luna, D.S. Kim, K.P. Lee, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X.E. Li, Y. Miyahara, Texas State University, US
*STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Employing Atomic Force Microscopy as a Tool for the Localized Patterning of Graphene
E.J. Broker Jr., R. Davenport, J.D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, US
Probing Electrocatalysis by Force Noise Measurements
P. Grutter, McGill University, CA
AFM-IR development for applications in industrial research
H.L. Lechuga, E. Imbertson, C.K. Spicer, 3M Company, US
Sub-diffraction Imaging of Carrier Dynamics in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors with Time-Resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy
R. Giridharagopal, M.D. Breshears, J. Pothoof, D.S. Ginger, University of Washington, US
Application of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy imaging to emerging material systems
M. Jones, University of Texas at Austin, US
Force-induced Structural Transformation of F14H20 Superstructures
M-H Choi, H. Noh, S.B. Kaemmer, Park Systems inc., US

Tuesday June 10

9:00SPM Nanomechanical Measurements
Session chair: Jason Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Understanding cantilever motion in sub-resonance photothermal force curves for improved nanomechanical measurements on viscoelastic polymers
A. Deolia, A. Raman, R. Wagner, Purdue University, US
Rapid nanomechanical mapping with photothermally actuated atomic force microscopy
J.D. Adams, H. Gunstheimer, G. Fläschner, H. Hölschner, B. Hoogenboom, Nanosurf, CH
A high-fidelity, labeled dataset for soft viscoelastic AFM nanomechanical properties
R.J. Sheridan, I. Saito, L.C. Brinson, Duke University, US
Improving AFM Young’s Modulus Measurements with Indentation Informed Bounds for Tip Geometry Fitting
L.J. Kirsch, J. Killgore, G.J. Rodin, F. Mangolini, University of Texas at Austin, US
Exploring the effect of topological confinement in polymer nanocomposite via AFM nanomechanical mapping
I. Saito, R.J. Sheridan, D. French, S. Zauscher, L.C. Brinson, Duke University, US
3:00SPMConnect: Novel Methods
Session chair: Peter Grutter, McGill University, CA
Tracking charge dynamics by high speed and time resolved Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
L. Collins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
High-resolution mapping of chemical, electrical and mechanical properties via gated sub-resonant intermittent contact AFM
B. Pittenger, C. Li, S. Hu, P. De Wolf, Bruker, US
Depth integration of signal in photothermal AFM-IR and complementary methods
G. Haugstad, Univ. of Minnesota, US
Breaking the Optical Diffraction Limit with SPM: an Overview of nanoIR Capabilities
C.A. Phillips, Q. Hu, C. Li, P. De Wolf, Bruker Nano, US
4:00SPM Connect - Posters
Frequency and Damping Noise of a Mechanical Resonator with Optomechanically Modified Effective Quality Factor
M.M. Hasan, N. Austin-Bingamon, D.C. Binod, Y. Miyahara, Texas State University, US
Spatially Resolved Chemical Analysis of Phase Separation in Organized Organic Monolayers by Resonance-Enhanced AFM-IR Spectroscopy
P. Moraille, Z. Ferron, C. DeWolf, A. Badia, Universite de Montreal, CA
Interfacial Water Layers on the Hydrated Silica Surface under Water
Y. Cai, J. Melendez-Rivera, J.D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, US


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