Back to Top ↑Symposium Sessions |
| Monday June 9 |
10:30 | SPMConnect: Cells, Biomolecules, and Biomaterials I |
1:30 | SPM Applications in Material Discovery I |
| Tuesday June 10 |
9:00 | SPM Nanomechanical Measurements |
3:00 | SPMConnect: Novel Methods |
4:00 | SPM Connect - Posters |
Symposium Program |
| Monday June 9 |
10:30 | SPMConnect: Cells, Biomolecules, and Biomaterials I | |
| Session chair: Jinhui Tao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US |
| Nonclasscial mechanisms of inhibition of beta-hematin crystallization inform strategies to suppress blood-stage malaria parasites H.-J. Lee, H. Azargoshasb, P.G. Vekilov, University of Houston, US |
| Combined multimodal nanomechanical and IR-absorption AFM modes for the study of soft and bio-sourced materials N. Domingo, M. Checa, R. Millan, L. Collins, A. Ievlev, S. Soini, V. Merk, H. Li, M. Foston, R. Farahi, A. Passian, S. Jesse, K. Kelley, CNMS/ORNL, US |
| Probing bacterial elastomers, rewritable microfluidics and EUV resist development P. Ashby, D. Li, Y. Chai, L. Long, J. Chen, C. Ajo-Franklin, T. Russell, P. Naulleau, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US |
| Gel Front Nanomechanics in Photopolymer Hydrogels J.P. Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US |
1:30 | SPM Applications in Material Discovery I | |
| Session chair: Filippo Mangolini, University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of Moiré Electrostatic Potential on Twisted Hexagonal Boron Nitride Multilayers N. Austin-Bingamon, M. Goodman, R. Dominguez, R. Mayorga-Luna, D.S. Kim, K.P. Lee, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X.E. Li, Y. Miyahara, Texas State University, US |
| *STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Employing Atomic Force Microscopy as a Tool for the Localized Patterning of Graphene E.J. Broker Jr., R. Davenport, J.D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, US |
| Probing Electrocatalysis by Force Noise Measurements P. Grutter, McGill University, CA |
| AFM-IR development for applications in industrial research H.L. Lechuga, E. Imbertson, C.K. Spicer, 3M Company, US |
| Sub-diffraction Imaging of Carrier Dynamics in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors with Time-Resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy R. Giridharagopal, M.D. Breshears, J. Pothoof, D.S. Ginger, University of Washington, US |
| Application of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy imaging to emerging material systems M. Jones, University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Force-induced Structural Transformation of F14H20 Superstructures M-H Choi, H. Noh, S.B. Kaemmer, Park Systems inc., US |
| Tuesday June 10 |
9:00 | SPM Nanomechanical Measurements | |
| Session chair: Jason Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US |
| Understanding cantilever motion in sub-resonance photothermal force curves for improved nanomechanical measurements on viscoelastic polymers A. Deolia, A. Raman, R. Wagner, Purdue University, US |
| Rapid nanomechanical mapping with photothermally actuated atomic force microscopy J.D. Adams, H. Gunstheimer, G. Fläschner, H. Hölschner, B. Hoogenboom, Nanosurf, CH |
| A high-fidelity, labeled dataset for soft viscoelastic AFM nanomechanical properties R.J. Sheridan, I. Saito, L.C. Brinson, Duke University, US |
| Improving AFM Young’s Modulus Measurements with Indentation Informed Bounds for Tip Geometry Fitting L.J. Kirsch, J. Killgore, G.J. Rodin, F. Mangolini, University of Texas at Austin, US |
| Exploring the effect of topological confinement in polymer nanocomposite via AFM nanomechanical mapping I. Saito, R.J. Sheridan, D. French, S. Zauscher, L.C. Brinson, Duke University, US |
3:00 | SPMConnect: Novel Methods | |
| Session chair: Peter Grutter, McGill University, CA |
| Tracking charge dynamics by high speed and time resolved Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy L. Collins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US |
| High-resolution mapping of chemical, electrical and mechanical properties via gated sub-resonant intermittent contact AFM B. Pittenger, C. Li, S. Hu, P. De Wolf, Bruker, US |
| Depth integration of signal in photothermal AFM-IR and complementary methods G. Haugstad, Univ. of Minnesota, US |
| Breaking the Optical Diffraction Limit with SPM: an Overview of nanoIR Capabilities C.A. Phillips, Q. Hu, C. Li, P. De Wolf, Bruker Nano, US |
4:00 | SPM Connect - Posters | |
| Frequency and Damping Noise of a Mechanical Resonator with Optomechanically Modified Effective Quality Factor M.M. Hasan, N. Austin-Bingamon, D.C. Binod, Y. Miyahara, Texas State University, US |
| Spatially Resolved Chemical Analysis of Phase Separation in Organized Organic Monolayers by Resonance-Enhanced AFM-IR Spectroscopy P. Moraille, Z. Ferron, C. DeWolf, A. Badia, Universite de Montreal, CA |
| Interfacial Water Layers on the Hydrated Silica Surface under Water Y. Cai, J. Melendez-Rivera, J.D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, US |