JUNE 17-19, 2024    

TechConnect World 2024 Program - Index of Affiliations

AffiliationDayPresenter(s)Talk title
Saint Louis UniversityT2.225I. Kuljanishvili, Y. Kim, W. KingDirect Synthesis of Few Layer Graphene on 3D Printed Metal Alloy Substrates for Medical Applications
San Pete Financial GroupT4.629Y. GambleDBX Mentor
Sandia National LaboratoriesT2.402J.W. McNamaraLong-duration Energy Storage (LDES): Mapping the Pathway to Commercialization
Sandia National LaboratoriesT8.288S.J. Percival, D. Richards, C. Leverant,S. Rempe, …Effect of EMIM cation on the CO2 Reduction Reaction on Gold
Sandia National LaboratoriesM4.365E.D. SpoerkeRethinking Energy Storage Uses Cases for Long-Duration Energy Storage
Sandia National LaboratoriesT4.167S.J. Percival, M. Stalcup, A.M. Maraschky, L.J. Sm…Novel Al and Fe Mixed Metal Halide Molten Salt Catholyte for Energy Storage
Sandia National LaboratoriesT4.184D. CarrieriSandia’s R&D efforts towards net-negative biomanufacturing
Sandia National LaboratoriesT2.081J. NelsonDOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers Support of the Chips and Science Act
SanPete Financial GroupM4.520Y. GambleReview Panelist
Santa Monica CollegeM4.106A. DenmonPanelist
Saudi AramcoT4.085K. Katterbauer, A. Alhashboul, H. Chen, A. YousefAnalyzing and optimizing CO2 geothermal energy production utilizing artificial intelligence – a de…
Saudi AramcoW2.087K. Katterbauer, A. Alhashboul, H. Chen, A. YousefAI-driven CO2 injection performance optimization for saline aquifers – Overcoming injection challe…
SBAM4.571E. HawkesModerator
SBAM4.581N. KameiModerator
SBAM4.681N. KameiModerator
SC TechM2.521J. BeyleOPERA - Operational Process Efficiency and Resource Analytics
SchrodingerT8.405A. Goldberg, A.R. Browning, T. Morisato, T. Vadich…The effect of moisture on the mechanical and thermophysical properties of the crosslinked network of…
SchrödingerT4.083A.K. Chew, M.A.F. Afzal, A. Chandrasekaran, M.D. H…Leveraging Physics-Based Simulations and Machine Learning to Identify Promising Formulations for Mat…
Secure Virtualization TechnologyT4.435R. JaenickeSecure Virtualization Technology
Sensible, Inc.M2.524J. SeippelSmartCoil - the first real-time monitoring system for AHU Coils
Sponsors & Partners
SBIR/STTR Agency Partners