JUNE 17-19, 2024    

TechConnect World 2024 Program - Tuesday June 18

7:00RegistrationConvention Center Pre-Function
8:00TechConnect Keynote ProgramMaryland C
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, TechConnect ATI, US
SBA Growth Accelerator Competition
B. Sickler, Office of Investment & Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration, US
Advanced Manufacturing in Space - Catalyst Community Launch
M. Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US
ATI Catalyzing National Innovation
P. Dudley, Advanced Technology International (ATI), US
Commercial Space Office (COMSO) and the recently signed DoD and USSF Commercial Space Strategies
J. Leader, U.S. Space Force, US
In-Space Manufacturing as a Profitable and Investable Business
R. Roettgen, E2MC Ventures, CH
10:00EPA P3 Meeting (by invitation only)Annapolis 3-4
9:00Coffee BreakConvention Center Pre-Function
9:00CHIPS R&D - SmartFabNational Harbor 12
Session chair: Daniel Schmidt, IBM, US
DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers Support of the Chips and Science Act
J. Nelson, Sandia National Laboratories, US
SmartFab Data and Analytics - Challenges and Opportunities
R. Baseman, IBM, US
From Lab to Fab: AI-Powered Metrology for High-Volume Manufacturing
M.Y.-H. Kim, Gauss Labs Inc., US
Collaborative and Holistic AI driven process control software platform to accelerate IC Manufacturing
J. Foucher, S. Martinez, H. Ozdoba, J. Baderot, A. Hallal, M. Jacob, S. Garrais, POLLEN Metrology Inc., US
9:15Perspectives on Fusion Supply Chain ChallengesNational Harbor 7
Session chair: Arnold Lumsdaine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Building a fusion energy supply chain - results of the FIA 2024 Supply Chain Report
A. Holland, Fusion Industry Association, US
EPRI Perspectives on Developing and Deploying Advanced Manufacturing Methods and Materials in Support of a Robust Fusion and Advanced Energy System Supply Chain
D. Grandas, A. Sowder, M. Albert, B. Sutton, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), US
Lessons Learned from SHINE's DT Fusion Facilities
J. Blatz, SHINE Technologies, US
Accelerated Development of Fusion Power Plant with High-quality Fusion Supply Chain
Gyung-Su Lee, Chang-Ho Choi, Doowhan Choi, Enable Fusion Inc., KR
Industrial Approach and Fusion Supply Chain in Japan
K. Seko, Kyoto Fusioneering, JP
Supply Chain Challenges for the Commercialization of Fusion Energy
A. Campbell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
9:15Physical & Chemical SensorsChesapeake 2
Session chair: Martin Poitzsch, Aramco Americas, US
Combining IOT with Real-Time Spectroscopy to Digitize Chemical Optimization
J. Lovell, O. Kulbrandstad, A. Haun, J.H. Alzate, MIcroSilicon, US
Metal-Organic Frameworks on Textiles for Chemical Sensing, Filtration, and Detoxification
K.A. Mirica, Dartmouth College, US
Microwave Interrogation of Woven Straps under Light Loading for Inflatable Applications
W. Wilson, T.C. Jones, E. Tucker, G. Szatkowski, NASA Langley Research Center, US
New-generation spacecraft water monitoring with flight-ready solid-state nanopores
Z. Xia, Goeppert LLC, US
Mass sensitivity of co-resonantly coupled dynamic mode cantilever sensors
I. Lampouras, J. Körner, Leibniz University Hannover, DE
9:15Advances in Critical Mineral SeparationsNational Harbor 4
Session chair: Santa Jansone-Popova, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
One roadmap of magnetic separation of rare-earth ions
Z. Lei, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf/ TU Dresden, DE
Enhancing Critical Material Recovery: Replacing Mixer-Settlers with Agitated Extraction Columns
D. Glatz, B. Cross, Koch Modular Process Systems, US
9:15Molecular Engineering & Nanoparticle Design for Drug Delivery IIChesapeake B
Session chair: R. Helen Zha, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute & Jeannine Coburn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US
Molecular Engineering for On-Demand Therapeutic Delivery
M.J. Webber, University of Notre Dame, US
Fractomers: Harnessing Intrinsically Disordered Proteins for Next-Generation Biomaterial Development
S. Roberts, S. Hollenbeck, A. Chilkoti, inSoma Bio, Inc., US
Delivery of Therapeutic Plant-Derived Exosomes to the Brain for the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders and CNS Injuries
N. NassiriKoopaei, EriVan Bio and University of Florida, US
OcuHeal UV-400+ : Ophthalmic, UV-blocking, Anti-oxidant, Preservative-free Nanolipid Eye-drop
S.P. Barman, K. Barman, S. Harris, K. Ward, Symphony Therapeutics (subsidiary of Integral BioSystems), US
A Novel Compound to Reverse the Effects of Drugs of Abuse and Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
E. Broyles, L. Isaacs, Reversal Therapeutics, Inc., US
Interfacial Assembly of Silk Fibroin for Controlled Biopharmaceutical Release
R.H. Zha, T.D. Fink, C. Wigham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
9:00SPMConnect: Advances FluidFMNational Harbor 5
Session chair: Simona Patange, NIST, US
FluidFM: Cytosurge's journey from hollow AFM probes to precision genome engineering
P. Behr, Cytosurge AG, CH
FluidFM in Live Cell Biology: From Biomechanics to Single-Cell Omics
O. Guillaume-Gentil, EPFL, CH
Advancements in BioAFM: Fluid Micro Cantilevers and Novel Thermocouple Devices for Cellular Analysis
A. Gaitas, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, US
Capturing Transient Responses – Combining BioAFM with External Stimulation
A. Gelmi, RMIT University, AU
Scanning Probe Microscopy Based Investigations at Single Cell Level
G-Y. Liu, University of California, Davis, US
9:15Graphene and 2D materials for Energy and other Emerging ApplicationsChesapeake 12
Session chair: Anirudha Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Graphene and MoS2 based Two Dimensional Ultramicro-supercapacitor
A. Misra, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IN
Ultrahigh Capacitive Energy Density in Stratified 2D Nanofiller-Based Polymer Heterostructure Films
N.R. Pradhan, Jackson State University, US
Graphene Oxide Membranes for Fractionation and Separation of Organic Mixtures
N. Yutthasaksunthorn, Georgia Institute of technology, US
Softening of graphene above 1000 °C
W. Bacsa, F. Topin, M. Miscevic, J.M. Hill, Y. Huang, R.S. Ruoff, CEMES-CNRS and University of Toulouse, FR
Direct Synthesis of Few Layer Graphene on 3D Printed Metal Alloy Substrates for Medical Applications
I. Kuljanishvili, Y. Kim, W. King, Saint Louis University, US
Response of Inkjet-Printed Graphene to External Stimulation via Nitrogen and other atmospheric gases
T. Mather, R. Mehta, S. Bastos, A.B. Kaul, University of North Texas, US
9:15Energy Storage: Validation, Sustainable Manufacturing, and Emerging ApplicationsNational Harbor 13
Session chair: Erik Spoerke, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Grid Storage Launchpad Overview and Capabilities
V. Sprenkle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Efficient Production of Low-Cost Battery Electrode Materials
G. Srinivas, S. Schwab, S. Nguyen, S. Dietz, TDA Research, Inc., US
Production of Turbostratic Graphene from Biomass to Improve Safety and Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors
B. Nicholls, Faradyne Power, US
High performance biocompatible and biodegradable batteries as sustainable energy sources
A.J. Bandodkar, North Carolina State University, US
9:15Precision Health & DiagnosticsChesapeake C
Session chair: Prakash Nallathamby, University of Notre Dame, US
Breakthrough Total Body Fluid Monitoring system based on non invasive, non contact RF Technology
C. Rauh, C. Adams, Vital View Technologies, US
Point-of-use multiomics diagnosis for accurate and timely precision diagnosis
R. Khosravi-Far, B. Griffith, C. Brown, H. Gamage, InnoTech Precision Medicine, Inc, US
Portable device for rapid identification of locally sourced phage for use in phage therapy
S.V. Angus, B. Swan, C. Stewart, A.S. Cowan, Guild Associates, Inc., US
Non-Invasive Health Tracking for Optimal Performance & Recovery
G. Travish, ViBo Health, US
Automated AI-supported microscopy and portable qPCR for the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria
C. Koepfli, University of Notre Dame, US
Nanoparticle Platform Technologies to Circumvent Therapeutics Resistance in Diseases
P.D. Nallathamby, M. Waters, J. Hopf, P. Helquist, University of Notre Dame, US
9:15Advanced Manufacturing InnovationChesapeake 1
Session chair: Slade Gardner, Big Metal Additive, US
Optimizing Graphene-Metal Composites Manufacturing Through Laser Photothermal Processing Modeling and Computation
D. Espinoza, D. Coren, D. Colmanarez, P. Kang, M.A. Khan, George Mason University, US
AI-assisted feedback to sheet metal stamping processes for automotive applications
W. Halsey, D. Pokkalla, V. Paquit, R. Davies, L. Huang, A. Ilinich, W. Wu, K. Murali, L. Huang, K. Kannan, K. Li, S. Dev, S. Kim, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Quantum Cyber Trust Anchor: Authenticating and Tracking Physical Components
M. Maasberg, I. Taylor, L.G. Butler, U.S. Naval Academy, US
Defect Detection in ISC Cylinder Using Spoof Plasmon Polaritons
W. Wilson, E. Tucker, NASA Langley Research Center, US
The Electronic Alchemy eforge: An Innovation in the Multi-material 3D Printing of Functional Electronics
C.M. Glenn, W. Chan, M. Whitely, L. Lassiter, Morningbird Space, US
Digital Manufacturing for Production: Exploring Applications from Copper to Crowns
M. Strobel, Quantica, DE
9:15Space Based Product Development & Experimentation PlatformsAnnapolis 1-2
Session chair: Chris Menzel, Menzel Engineering Design, US
Manufacture in Space: A New Era of Advanced Materials Innovation
D. Panchanathan, Axiom Space, US
The Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) facility for exploration missions.
K.A. Savin, Redwire, US
Optimizing Space Manufacturing: The Crucial Role of AI/ML in Design and Process Automation
I. Cozmuta, G-Space, Inc., US
10:00Environmentally Sustainable Critical Mineral SolutionsNational Harbor 4
Session chair: Alison Fritz, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US
Sustainable and Green Production of Nickel by Collocating both Primary Nickel Ore Processing and Li-ion Battery Recycling
L. Pan, Michigan Technological University, US
Nature-based systems for rare earth element recovery
A.M. Schmitz, S. Medin, B. Pian, S. Balog-Way, REEgen, US
Electrochemically- Enabled Holistic Recycling of Lithium Ion Batteries
L. Garris, T. Madden, N. Anderson, Cool Amps Corp., US
10:30Impact in Advanced Manufacturing for LEO - PanelAnnapolis 1-2
Session chair: Curtis Hill, NASA Materials & Processes Laboratory, US
A. De, Apsidal, US
P. Dutta, United Semiconductor, US
R. Hernandez, ISS National Laboratory, US
M. Mulligan, Redwire, US
D. Panchanathan, Axiom Space, US
A. Wilson, Butler University, US
10:30CHIPS R&D - MetrologyNational Harbor 12
Session chair: Alex Norman, Princeton University, US
The Last Light Source
C. Anderson, xLight, Inc., US
Advanced plasma diagnostics for materials synthesis and processing applications
Y. Raitses, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, US
Characterizing Thermal Properties and Temperature-rise of High Frequency RF Transistors In-Operando at sub-50 nm Length Scales
B.M. Foley, T. Bates, P.E. Hopkins, J.T. Gaskins, Laser Thermal Inc., US
Scaling Chiplet Integration Through Advances in Printed Interconnects
N. Frick, M. Fisher and C. Contreras Sepulveda, North Carolina State University, US
Dendritic Identifiers as Digital Triggers in Microelectronics Manufacturing
M.N. Kozicki, J. Joseph, Arizona State University and Densec ID, LLC, US
11:00SPMConnect: Dynamic Processes at Solid-Liquid InterfacesNational Harbor 5
Session chair: Christina Newcomb, Stanford University, US
An in situ look at interfacial structure and dynamics during nucleation and self-assembly
J.J. De Yoreo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Scanning Probe Microscopy Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion on Naval Assets
T.T. Brown, J.S. Lee, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, US
The role of additives on the thermodynamics and kinetics of nucleation, crystal growth and dissolution
J. Tao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
11:00Energy Storage: LDES Policy, Valuation, and Use CasesNational Harbor 13
Session chair: Erik Spoerke, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Performance of an Integrated Heat Pump with Thermal Energy Storage for Peak Demand Reduction
L. Wang, D. Akamo, X. Liu, K.R. Gluesenkamp, Y. Qiao, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Long-duration Energy Storage (LDES): Mapping the Pathway to Commercialization
J.W. McNamara, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Making the “Firm” Renewable Power PPA a Reality with Long Duration Energy Storage
J. Langhus, Photon Vault, US
Unlocking Markets for LDES Technologies
K. Johnston, NextGen Energy Partners, US
11:15Revolutionizing Industry with Space ManufacturingAnnapolis 1-2
Session chair: Ioana Cozmuta, G-SPACE, US
L. Cromley, Deloitte Consulting, US
P. Dutta, United Semiconductors, US
H. Mills, Rhodium Scientific, US
F. Karouia, BioServe Space Technologies, US
J. Scoccimerra, Interstellar Lab, US
9:15TechConnect Corporate & Innovation Spotlights: Koch Modular and Materials, ChemicalMaryland 3
Session chair: Nick Kacsandi, TechConnect ATI, US
Koch Modular Corporate Spotlight
M. Villegas  , Koch Modular, US
Critical Rare Earth Free Cerium Gap Magnets
A. Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, US
Bambax- Unique high barrier paper technology with high moisture resistance
C. Bartley, Bambax Limited, US
A Novel Advanced Manufacturing Pathway for Direct Incorporation of Metal-Organic Frameworks in Polymeric Sponges
R. Ozdemir, framergy, Inc., US
Nano-additive based sizing solution for recycled carbon fiber
M. Ghazizadeh, MITO, US
Review Panelist
J. Epstein, Lockheed Martin, US
Review Panelist
M. Villegas  , Koch Modular, US
Review Panelist
C. Paul, Henkel, DE
Review Panelist
M. Schubert, Sherwin-Williams, US
9:15TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Energy & EfficiencyMaryland 4
Session chair: Ross Roley, USINDOPACOM, US
Membrane Dehumidification for Building Energy Use Reduction
E. Allen, Evercloak Inc., US
PFAS Removal During Renewable Fuels Generation
A. Thomas, River Otter Renewables, Inc, US
Self-Coiling Trim-to-Fit Window Shade
W. Felt, VPI Technology, US
The Future of insulation
M. Bertino, ThermaGEL Innovations, Inc., US
Remote Anchoring Micro Piler (RAMP)
H. Kugeler, Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc., US
Self-charging Electrochemical Generator
J. Kwon, Infinity Power LLC, US
Review Panelist
E. Armstrong, U.S. Navy, US
Review Panelist
K. Mish, ManTech, US
Review Panelist
Review Panelist
M. Lund, Woodside Energy, US
9:15SBIR: Spotlight on DOEMaryland 1-2
Hear directly from DOE Program Managers about formulating SBIR/STTR topics and selecting meritorious applications for award. Topics: Responsive grant applications, engaging with the DOE at various times and more.
E. Chant, DOE, US
M. Shinn, NP, US
E. Burrows, DOE, US
D. McCoskey, DOE, US
T. Christoffel, DOE, US
9:15SBIR: DoD Success StoriesMaryland A
The $2 billion DoD SBIR Program encompasses 14 components. Hear directly from agency Directors about their organizations and learn how SBIR/STTR is part of your daily life (and you don’t even know it).
G. Sims, DoD, US
T. Temple, Army, US
D. Carroll, AFWERX, US
J. Thabet, DARPA, US
B. Shipley, US Navy, US
10:30TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Materials, ChemicalMaryland 3
Session chair: Neil Cameron, Emerald Technology Ventures, CA
Active machine learning for accelerated materials design
F. Goumans, Software for Chemistry & Materials, US
Additives for repurposing mixed plastic waste
C. Hall, University of Minnesota, US
Biomass microbeads for personal care consumer products
C. Hall, University of Minnesota, US
​PFAS-Free Coatings Using GHGs-Free Process for Making Protective Garments Adapted for Climate Change
Z. Abdali, PlasmaGear, CA
Review Panelist
C. Paul, Henkel, DE
Review Panelist
N. Cameron, Emerald Technology Ventures, CA
Review Panelist
M. Schubert, Sherwin-Williams, US
10:30TechConnect DOD & Innovation Spotlights: USINDOPACOM and Energy & EfficiencyMaryland 4
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, TechConnect ATI, US
Energy and Cyber Innovations for Defense
Heavy Duty Fuel Cell MEAs
N. Macauley, Giner, Inc., US
High Energy Denisity Li-Ion Batteries Based on High-Capacity Layered Graphene Anode
T. Paronyan, HeXalayer, LLC, US
3d printed Lithium Ion battery electrodes
P. Scott, Power 3D, US
High Performance Bio-capacitor as a Miniature Supercapacitor
H. Rathnayake, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US
Review Panelist
E. Armstrong, U.S. Navy, US
Review Panelist
K. Mish, ManTech, US
Review Panelist
10:15SBIR: NSF Project Pitch ProcessMaryland 1-2
The Project Pitch Process is unique to the NSF SBIR Program. Learn the elements of a successful project pitch.
B. Schrag, NSF, US
10:15SBIR: DoD Evaluator and TPOC PanelMaryland A
Hear directly from the people writing SBIR/STTR topics and evaluating the proposals. Topics: keys to a successful proposal, what you should know about TRLs and MRLs, and so much more.
C. Gibney, DHA, US
D. Cassenti, Army, US
A. Franke, AFWERX, US
L. Branthoover, Navy, US
A. Roots, CBD, US
11:15SBIR: CommercializationMaryland 1-2
Learn about programs that can support your transition to development and production. Learn what you can do to better position yourself for assistance.
J. Servo, Dawnbreaker, US
D. Bohanan, DoD, US
C. Rabke, DOE, US
C. Sasiela, NIH, US
R. Simpson, TechOpp, US
11:15SBIR: Phase IIIMaryland A
Learn the keys to a successful SBIR/STTR journey and Phase III success.
M. Williams, DoD, US
V. Pande, AFWERX, US
B. Shipley, Navy, US
C. Wright, MDA, US
J. Kessler, NASA, US
11:30TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Energy, Efficiency, EnvironmentalMaryland 4
Session chair: Neil Cameron, Emerald Technology Ventures, CA
PFAS (Forever Chemical) Destruction Units
N. Sharp, Aquagga, Inc., US
Device for simultaneous converting of carbon dioxide and methane into a storable fuel and removing of nitrous oxide
A. Arias, Axelys, US
Substantially increasing heat energy recovery and electricity generation from natural, sustainable 24/7 geothermal hot water
J. Johnston, CaSil Technologies Ltd, NZ
A sensor and software solution for structural fagility monitoring
P. Jaiswal, INTACT, US
Cannabinoid-Based Bioplastic Materials Ecosystem
M. Sotzing, PolyC Plastics and Composites, US
Low-cost Atmospheric Water Harvesting Materials for Water Supply System
T. Li, University of Maryland, College Park, US
Review Panelist
Review Panelist
N. Cameron, Emerald Technology Ventures, CA
Review Panelist
K. Mish, ManTech, US
Review Panelist
M. Lund, Woodside Energy, US
Review Panelist
E. Armstrong, U.S. Navy, US
11:30TechConnect Innovation Spotlights: Biotech, Pharma, HealthMaryland 3
Session chair: Lynn Foster, Z-Field Technologies, US
A Platform for Health Care Data Integration Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
I. Woerner, emTRUTH, US
Supramolecules as In vivo Sequestrants to Induce Drug Reversal
E. Broyles, Reversal Therapeutics, Inc., US
Smartwatch and care coordination solution to help seniors age in place
J. Narasimhan, WatchRx, Inc., US
IgA Monoclonal Antibodies as a Prophylactic and Therapeutic Treatment for Dengue Virus Infection
A. Waickman, Azimuth Biologics, Inc., The Research Foundation for SUNY, US
Better Bleeding Control Device
B. Bankhead, Texas Tech University Office of Research Commercialization, US
OcuHeal™-UV400+: The First Ophthalmic UV-Sunblock Eyedrop Product
S. Barman, Symphony Therapeutics, LLC, US
Review Panelist
C. Clyburn, MedForeSight LLC, US
Review Panelist
J. David, BryceTech , US
Review Panelist
L. Foster, Z-Field Technologies, US
Review Panelist
H. Bengtsson, Novo Nordisk, DK
Review Panelist
C. Stebbins, ATI, US
Review Panelist
J. Yang, DMV Bio, US
12:00Lunch BreakOn own
12:00TechConnect World, SBIR/STTR Pavilion, and EPA P3 Exhibit Hall OpensExpo Hall BC
12:00TechConnect Business Team Meet & Greet - Booth 501Expo Hall BC
12:00EPA P3 National Student Design Competition ShowcaseExpo Hall BC
12:00CHIPS Workforce Development Program Career Awareness Fair (12:00 - 6:00)Expo Hall BC
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
National Institute for Innovation and Technology (NIIT)
Texas Instruments
University of Arizona
1:00Rare Earths: The Future of Magnet TechnologiesNational Harbor 4
Session chair: Andriy Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, US
Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Innovation from the Critical Materials Innovation Hub
D.S. Parker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Midstream Processing of Critical Materials
A.J. Sherman, N. Farkas, R. Kinner, B. Werry, P. Seman, powdermet inc, Terves LLC, PMT group, US
Critical Materials Consideration in the Development of Permanent Magnets
M.J. Kramer, A. Palasyuk, I.Z. Hlova, J. Cui, I.C. Nlebedim, Ames Lab, US
Cerium Gap Magnets (CGMs). Towards a new castable mass market magnet.
A. Palasyuk, A. Swanson, M. Besser, Ames National Laboratory, US
Projected Growth Rates for NdFeB Permanent Magnets: Nd plus Dy Demands Across End Use Sectors Through 2050
J.W. Heim II, R.L. Vander Wal, Penn State University, US
1:00Space Based Manufacturing Systems & TechnologiesAnnapolis 1-2
Session chair: Zack Smith, Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Perspectives on United States Standards Development and Industry Engagement for ISAM
D. Poster, U.S. Department of Commerce, US
Operating a Manufacturing Facility in Space; Verification, Validation, and Product Signoff
R. Rughani, N. Gladden, D.A. Barnhart, Arkisys, US
Manufacturing Better Drugs in Space
K. Savin, M. Mulligan, S. Tuma, Redwire, US
On-Demand Manufacturing of Electronics for Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices
M. Seol, NASA Ames, US
1:30AI Modeling & SimulationChesapeake C
Session chair: Jan-Willem Handgraaf, Siemens, NL
Towards chemical foundation models for digital prediction of experimental measurements
E. Annevelink, Physics Inverted Materials, US
Utilizing Genetic Algorithms for Autonomous RF FEM Simulation & Optimization
V. Gjokaj, NuPhotonics LLC, US
Leveraging Physics-Based Simulations and Machine Learning to Identify Promising Formulations for Materials Science Applications
A.K. Chew, M.A.F. Afzal, A. Chandrasekaran, M.D. Halls, Schrödinger, US
When Can We Ignore Missing Data in Model Training?
C. Zhen, A. Singh, A. Termehchy, Oregon State University, US
Analyzing and optimizing CO2 geothermal energy production utilizing artificial intelligence – a deep basin approach
K. Katterbauer, A. Alhashboul, H. Chen, A. Yousef, Saudi Aramco, SA
Common Data Model to Rapidly Certify AM Parts with Reduced Inspection Leveraging AI / ML
D. Reed, J. Shah, W. Sobol, T. Kirk, A. Kitt, MxD USA, US
1:30Confronting the Fusion Supply Chain Challenges: A Path ForwardNational Harbor 7
Session chair: Andrew Holland, Fusion Industry Association, US
Public-Private Partnerships in the Fusion Supply Chain Landscape
J. Cohen, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, US
Perspectives on public-private partnerships for supply chain development
A. Lumsdaine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
J. Cohen, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, US
K. Furlong, Realta Fusion, US
A. Schopphoff, Pfeiffer Vacuum, DE
B. Uppal, Kyoto Fusioneering America, US
G-S. Lee, Enable Fusion Inc., US
D. Grandas, EPRI, US
1:30Medical Devices & Tissue EngineeringChesapeake B
Session chair: Jeannine M. Coburn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute & Thomas Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, US
Engineering a temporary replacement biomimetic retinal tamponade hydrogel
G.J.C. Braithwaite, M. Xheka, Cambridge Polymer Group, Inc., US
Transforming Battlefield Trauma Care: Assessing the Universal Combat Matrix in Preclinical Models of Burns, Junctional Hemorrhage, and Non-Compressible Torso Hemorrhage
A.M. Jorgensen, F. Marini, T. Shupe, J. Rall., J. Radowsky, L. Paladino, W.L. Hickerson, SiOxMed, LLC, US
Antimicrobial Peptide Functionalized Bacterial Cellulose for Wound Dressing Applications
E.M. van Zyl, J.M. Coburn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US
WoundSentry: A Revolutionary AI-Driven Wearable for Enhanced Infection Detection
T.J. Ko, L. Yeh, P. Lubet, J. Wang, A. Gnatt, X.L. Liu, Nanobiofab, US
The Combined Effect of Photobiomodulation and Nanoparticle-based Biomaterials for the Treatment of Pathogen-Infected Wounds
S.S. Dhilip Kumar, H. Abrahamse, University of Johannesburg, ZA
AFM Probe Manufacturing: Challenges and Limitations from the Industry's Perspective
O. Krause, NanoWorld AG, DE
1:30Sensors: Bio-Medical ApplicationsChesapeake 2
Session chair: Sehoon Chang, Aramco Americas, US
Harnessing Plasmon-enhanced Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive and Minimally-invasive Bio-diagnostics
S. Singamaneni, Washington University in St. Louis, US
Bio-Inspired Technologies for Monitoring Human and Environmental Health
A.L. Furst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
New classes of sensing principles and device architectures in the field of wearable and implantable biochemical sensors
A.J. Bandodkar, North Carolina State University, US
Exploring the Impact of Feature Density on the Performance of Nanopillar Plasmonic Biosensors
R.L. Cromartie, Y. Zhao, K.D. Benkstein, K.L. Steffens, S. Semancik, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
On-Chip Biosensor For Monitoring Drug Usage Through City Wastewater
B. Zhang, X. Hou, C. Zhen, A.X. Wang, Oregon State University, US
Preparing for the next pandemic: Using a novel SPOC SPR assay for diagnosis and biosurveillance for a large panel of respiratory pathogens in a single assay
B. Takulapalli, C. Agu, R. Cook, W. Martelly, L. Gusghari, SPOC Proteomics, US
1:30Energy InnovationsChesapeake 1
Session chair: Lin Zhao, Dow Chemical Company, US
Upscaling OPV into production tech - What are the obstacles to reach a competitive OPV industry in Europe
T. Kolbusch, Coatema, DE
Harvesting More "Green" Energy From Geothermal Resources and Clean Water Restoration and Protection
J.H. Johnston, CaSil Technologies Limited, NZ
Renewable Energy Breakthrough with Room-Temperature Thermionics
J. Birmingham, Birmingham Technologies Inc., US
High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for the Decarbonization of the Energy System
A.D. Thess, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE
Novel Al and Fe Mixed Metal Halide Molten Salt Catholyte for Energy Storage
S.J. Percival, M. Stalcup, A.M. Maraschky, L.J. Small, A.S. Peretti, E.D. Spoerke, Sandia National Laboratories, US
1:30Biorefining & Biomanufacturing 1Chesapeake A
Session chair: Carlos Quiroz-Arita, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Scaling Renewable Fuels through Technology
M. Young, Chevron Technical Center, US
Logistics for Large Scale Biorefineries: Impacts of Carbon Management and Supply System Maturation
D. Hartley, Idaho National Lab, US
Sandia’s R&D efforts towards net-negative biomanufacturing
D. Carrieri, Sandia National Laboratories, US
Permanent, Affordable and Scalable Carbon Removal through Carbon Casting
H. Murnen, Graphyte, US
Harnessing Biology for Industrial Decarbonization
L.M. Guay, U.S. Department of Energy, US
1:30SPM NanomechanicsNational Harbor 5
Session chair: Jason Killgore, NIST, US
Nanomechanical analysis of materials using photothermal off-resonance actuation
E. Nelson, J.D. Adams, H. Gunstheimer, G. Fläschner, B. Hoogenboom, Nanosurf AG, CH
Broadband, High Frequency Viscoelastic Property Characterization of Polymers with Atomic Force Microscopy
A. Deolia, S.P. Carter, R.B. Wagner, Purdue University, US
Mechano-Spectroscopy of Soft Materials with Atomic Force Microscopy: Comparison with Raman Confocal Microscopy
N. Kulachenkov, M. Petrov, I. Sokolov, Tufts University, US
Pushing AFM to the boundaries — Validating mechanical property measurement near a rigid substrate
R.J. Sheridan, I. Saito, L.C. Brinson, Duke University, US
Advancing Nanobiomechanical Research: Large Tissue Area Mapping and Nano Scale Rheology via AFM
M. Ye, A. Koernig, Bruker Nano Surface, US
Exploring Biomechanical Properties of Microporous Annealed Particle Hydrogel (MAP Gel) in Comparison with MAP-treated Natural Tissues
M. Motezaker, J.J. Daniero, P.E. Hopkins, University of Virginia, US
1:30Electrical and Optical Properties of Graphene & 2D MaterialsChesapeake 12
Session chair: Anirudha Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Light-matter interactions in semiconducting selenides and 2D perovskites
A.B. Kaul, University of North Texas, US
Perovskite Photodetectors and the Effects of Environmental Phenomena on Device Performance
T. Mather, C. Padilla, S. Aryal, C. Lewis, Q. Jiang, A. Sumant, Y. Lin, A.B. Kaul, University of North Texas, US
Stacking-Dependent Optical Properties in Bilayer WSe2
K. McCreary, M. Phillips, H.-J. Chuang, D. Wickramaratne, M. Rosenberger, C.S. Hellberg, B.T. Jonker, Naval Research Laboratory, US
Deterministically placed single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
E. Cobas, US Naval Research Laboratory, US
1:30Structural Additive ManufacturingNational Harbor 6
Session chair: Slade Gardner, Big Metal Additive, US
Robotics and AM in Construction: Additive Construction for Industrial Applications
M. Friedell, Robotic Construction Technologies Inc., US
Is Additive Construction Ready for Seismic Regions? – A New Seismic Protective System Enabled by Additive Construction
I.M. Mantawy, H. Fahroud, A.K. Mackin, Rowan University, US
Topology Optimization Based Additive Construction for Sustainable Infrastructure
I.M. Mantawy, J. Migliorino, A.K. Mackin, A. Ahmed, Z. Hanoun, Rowan University, US
2:30Fabrication Processes for SpaceAnnapolis 1-2
Session chair: Chris Menzel, Menzel Engineering Design, US
Enabling Metal Joining & Additive Manufacturing for On-Orbit Assembly and Manufacturing: Metal AM using Vibrational Resonance In-space via Cold-welding (MAVRIC)
K. Hsu, Arizona State University, US
Solid State Metal 3D Printing for Space
P. Bahn, M. Norfolk, Fabrisonic LLC, US
Laser Beam Welding for in-Space Joining Demonstrated Under Vacuum on the Ground and By Parabolic Flight Experiments
E. Choi, A. Brimmer, W. McAuley, B. Panton, A. Ramirez, W. Evans, A. O'Connor, Z. Courtright, J.W. Sowards, NASA/MSFC, US
Volumetric Additive Manufacturing for In-Space Manufacturing
T. Waddell, UC-Berkeley, US
3:00Rare Earths Panel: How Critical are Minerals to our Energy Security?National Harbor 4
Session chair: Dawn Wellman, Rio Tinto, US
D. Wellman, Rio Tinto, US
T. Lograsso, U.S. Department of Energy, US
S. Duyvesteyn, Rio Tinto, US
K. Bhuwalka, Stanford, US
H. Khazdozian, U.S. Department of Energy, US
3:00Sophisticated Additive ManufacturingNational Harbor 6
Session chair: Slade Gardner, Big Metal Additive, US
Design for Saleability: when metal AM sold, when it didn't, and why
H. Rowe, Alloy Enterprises, US
Deployable Metal Additive Manufacturing Combats Supply Chain Challenges in the Field
J. Heerdink, Snowbird Technologies, US
Spaceflight Qualification of Additive Aluminum
S. Gardner, Big Metal Additive, US
Embedding Sensors via Metal 3D Printing
M. Norfolk, Fabrisonic LLC, US
3:30SPM CantileversNational Harbor 5
Session chair: Christina Newcomb, Stanford University, US
3:45Panel Discussion - SPM CantileversNational Harbor 5
Session chair: Christina Newcomb, Stanford University, US
O. Krause, NanoWorld AG, CH
S. Jesse, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
A. Eskandarian, Harvard Medical School, US
1:30DoD - Critical Technologies and SBIRMaryland A
Hear directly from Principal Directors about their critical technology areas, how they have already leveraged SBIR/STTR, and how best to engage going forward.
J. Pamulapati, OUSD, US
B. Pimentel, Warfighter Engagement, US
D. Shenoy, Microelectronics, US
J. Kim, OASD (S&T), US
P. Emanuel, US Army, US
K. Bunch, OUSD R&E, US
2:30SBIR: Working with Defense PrimesMaryland A
Gain insight into the role major primes play in acquisition programs and how R&D from other businesses transitions into those programs.
M. Williams, DoD, US
A. Carroll, Raytheon Technologies, US
P. Staszak, Boeing, US
T. Reid, Northrop Grumman, US
C. Owens, Lockheed Martin, US
2:00MOSA Innovation ChallengeBaltimore 3
Session chair: Emma Mooney, TechConnect ATI, US
Real-Time Innovations (RTI)
A. Walker, Connext® Professional, US
Real-Time Innovations (RTI)
A. Walker, ConnextÒ TSS, US
Tangram Flex
S. Yantko, Tangram Pro, US
Intellisense Systems Inc
J. Holmstedt, Demonstration of MOSA Intelligent Power Systems, US
Green Hills Software
R. Jaenicke, Secure Virtualization Technology, US
Tangram Flex, Inc.
M. Zolman, Tangram Pro: Auto-generated interoperability and integration of embedded software systems, US
C. Barsi, Brelyon Ultra Reality IT Modernization, US
Review Panelist
A. Hammond, PEO Aviation US Army, US
Review Panelist
R. Moudy, PEO Aviation US Army, US
Review Panelist
R. Kramer, LMI, US
Review Panelist
M. Spencer, Avilution, US
Review Panelist
S. Davidson, MITRE Corporation, US
Review Panelist
N. Lappos, Lockheed Martin/ Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, US
1:30Medical Threat Reduction Challenge - Sponsored by MCDCMaryland 3
Session chair: Katie Bornfleth, TechConnect ATI, US
Welcome from Medical CBRN Defense Consortium
M. Stebbins, ATI - MCDC, US
J. Devadhasan, Center for Applied NanoBiosceicne and Medicine (ANBM) at The University of Arizona, US
D. Duffy, Quanterix Corporation, US
H-J. Suk, DxLab, Inc, US
R. Hughen, Linshom Medical, US
J. Chapman, SimWerx, US
C. Nank, E. Johnson, ReliOx Corporation, US
J. Harford, SynerGene Therapeutics, Inc., US
D. Graifman, Thylacine Biotherapeutics Inc, US
D. Jackson, Ceria Therapeutics, US
J. Singh, SingleTimeMicroneedles, US
B. Takulapalli, SPOC Proteomics, US
M. Gaitan, M. Haggerty, PrecNA LLC, US
L. Valenti, Vaxess Technologies, US
T. Yeruva, University of Maryland, US
Review Panelist
K. DeMarco, Strategic Analysis, Inc., US
Review Panelist
L. Palestrini, ATI, US
Review Panelist
A. Brown, US Department of Health & Human Services, US
1:30Accelerating Innovation: Policy Engagements & TechConnect Innovation PitchesMaryland 4
Session chair: Jonathan Jakischa, TechConnect/ATI, US
What is the US Congress and How Does it Help Me as an Innovator?
B. Greer, Empire Consulting Group, US
All-in-one Remote Wound Biofilm Management System
A. Garg, Virginia Tech, US
Biomineral Soil Management and Agricultural Research Technologies (B-SMART) for Climate Resilience
N. Adam, Biomineral Systems LLC, US
RF over Fiber System in a package
V. Gjokaj, NuPhotonics LLC, US
Machine learning enabled microchips for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging
I. Mostafanezhad, Nalu Scientific, LLC, US
IntuiBot Delta: Revolutionizing SME Automation with Speed and Simplicity
A. Arias, Axelys, CA
Direct Conversion Process™, UHT Silicon Carbon Fiber (Fi-Bar™) Materials
K. Koller, Advanced Ceramic Fibers, LLC, US
Unlocking the full value of recycled plastics by removing color and adhesive impurities
M. Yutthasaksunthorn, BMP Chemicals Co., Ltd, US
Review Panelist
J. Bindra, University of Ottawa, CA
Review Panelist
M. Ryan, ATI, US
Review Panelist
S. Bagheri, University of Waterloo, CA
Review Panelist
C. Clyburn, MedForeSight LLC, US
1:30Defense Business Accelerator (DBX) - Innovation ColliderChesapeake 3
DBX Welcome & Introductions
M. Laudon, M. Sanchez, TechConnect Division, ATI, US
Defense Business Accelerator - Overview
C. Zember, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy, DOD, US
DBX Awardee
Mosaic Microsystems, US
DBX Awardee
SiliconCore Technologies, US
DBX Awardee
Momentum Optics, US
DBX Awardee
Gigantor Technologies, US
DBX Awardee
Soctera, US
DBX Mentor
Y. Gamble, San Pete Financial Group, US
DBX Mentor
J. David, BryceTech, US
DBX Mentor
R. Julien, BOKA Group Holdings, US
DBX Mentor
K. Hill Richie, TEDCO - State of Maryland's Venture Capital Firm, US
DBX Mentor
B. Kortokrax, E2MC Ventures, US
DBX Mentor
J. Richmond, Lockheed Martin Ventures, US
DBX Mentor
J. Wong, Redd's Capital, IEEE Entrepreneurship, US
12:30SBA ESO Meeting (Private)Maryland 1-2
3:00MOSA Innovation Challenge and Awards CeremonyBaltimore 3
Session chair: Emma Mooney, TechConnect ATI, US
LightCell Modular Power Generator
M. Ellis, Mesodyne, US
BridgeInspect Pro
G. Sutherland, Canetia Analytics Inc., US
Low-Cost, High-Resolution Optical Infrared Camera using our nano EnCoater technology
J. Scholtz, Vyir Inc, US
T. Paronyan, HeXalayer, LLC, US
3D Interactive Instructions with XR Customer Experience
A. Qureshi, BILT Incorporated, US
PNT as a Service (PNTaaS)
A. Brown, Navsys, US
MOSA Augmented Reality (AR) Glass for Equipment Maintenance
S. Kuh, Bonafi, Inc, US
Review Panelist
A. Hammond, PEO Aviation US Army, US
Review Panelist
R. Moudy, PEO Aviation US Army, US
Review Panelist
R. Kramer, LMI, US
Review Panelist
M. Spencer, Avilution, US
Review Panelist
S. Davidson, MITRE Corporation, US
Review Panelist
N. Lappos, Lockheed Martin/ Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, US
4:00TechConnect Innovation Showcase Reception, Poster Session 2 (4:00 - 6:00)Expo Hall BC
4:00TechConnect Business Team Meet & Greet - Booth 501Expo Hall BC
4:00EPA P3 National Student Design Competition Showcase ReceptionExpo Hall BC
4:00SBIR/STTR Pavilion ReceptionExpo Hall BC
4:00Biorefining & Biomanufacturing - PostersExpo Hall BC
Efficient Recovery and Purification of Biobased Chemicals Utilizing Liquid-to-Liquid Extraction Technology
D. Glatz, Koch Modular Process Systems, US
4:00Sustainability & Efficiency - PostersExpo Hall BC
Agricultural Security: Impacts on Military Readiness and National Security
D. Milonas, Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), US
Urban water pollution extent and impact on the Village Creek in Birmingham, AL – Analysis and Mitigation strategies
A. Kaushal, M.L. Museru, K. Opare, M. Karimi, R. Nazari, University of Alabama at Birmingham, US
Birmingham Air Pollution and Urban Heat Island Effect on the Low-Income and Minorities
A. Kaushal, M. Karimi, R. Nazari, University of Alabama at Birmingham, US
An innovative Bio-capacitor as a sustainable energy storage system
N.G Andrew, H. Rathnayake, University of North Carolina Greensboro, US
6 ways to Optimize Energy Usage and Sustainability in Smart Manufacturing Using MQTT
R. Subramanyan, HiveMQ, US
Solar Sauna: A Green-Energy Innovation for Spa Resorts
A.D. Thess, THESS UG, DE
Effect of EMIM cation on the CO2 Reduction Reaction on Gold
S.J. Percival, D. Richards, C. Leverant,S. Rempe, J. Venegas, E.D. Spoerke, Sandia National Laboratories, US
4:00Rare Earths & Critical Minerals - PostersExpo Hall BC
Extraction of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) using Functionalized Mesoporous Carbons
D. Saha, Widener University, US
*STUDENT POSTER AWARDEE* Selective Separation of Rare Earth Elements Via Lanmodulin Peptide-Functionalized Membranes
L. Johnson, B. Schneider, C.E. Duval, Case Western Reserve University, US
Battery Materials Recycling and Green Hydrogen Co-Production
A. Karati, P. Gargh, S. Paul, S. Das, A. Sarkar, P. Shrotriya, I.C. Nlebedim, Ames National Laboratory, US
Rotating Packed Bed Contactors for Rare Earth Element Processing
K. Kent, I. Wang, W. Dean, A. Servis, C. Duval, Case Western Reserve University, US
Elucidating the Connection between Polymer Structure and Solution-Phase Rare-Earth Element Binding Thermodynamics
C.M.B. Gallagher, W.R. Archer, M.D. Schulz, Virginia Tech, US
Innovations in Liquid-Liquid Solvent Extraction for the Efficient Recovery of Critical Minerals and Rare Earths
B. Cross, Koch Modular Process Systems, US
Process-Structure-Property Relationships in Additively Manufactured Phase-separated Permanent Magnet Composites
A. Duong, I. Smith, K. Snyder, O. Bishop, E. Carpenter, R. Barua, Virginia Commonwealth University, US
4:00AI Innovations - PostersExpo Hall BC
Digital twin models developed by computer simulations and A.I. algorithms for real-time characterization of ceramic sintering process
S. Hyun, J. Park, G-A Ryu, Y. Han, S. Baik, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, KR
4:00Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications - PostersExpo Hall BC
Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(amino-phenylboronic acid) Nanorods for High-affinity Capture of Glycoproteins
H. Maanaki, K. Lenz, T. Xu, J. Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, US
Improved Electronic Transport Properties in Template-Grown CsPbBr3 Nanorods as Revealed by Dielectric Force Microscopy
Y. Stephanie Li, E. Avila-Lopez, S. Liang, I. Elias, and Z. Lin, California State University-Bakersfield, US
4:00Precision Health & Diagnostics - PostersExpo Hall BC
Innovative use of RF Polarization Mode Dispersion Technology to create non invasive, non contact Sensors
C. Rauh, C. Adams, Vital View Technologies, US
Exploring Serum Biomarkers for Neurological Complications of Systemic Illnesses: Insights from COVID-19 and Beyond
D. Plantone, D. Righi, C. Manco, N. De Stefano, University of Siena, IT
4:00AI Modeling & Simulation - PostersExpo Hall BC
The effect of moisture on the mechanical and thermophysical properties of the crosslinked network of the SU-8 photoresist.
A. Goldberg, A.R. Browning, T. Morisato, T. Vadicherla, M.D. Halls, Schrodinger, US
Finite Difference Simulation of Surface Smoothing Induced by Atomic Layer Etching
M.F. Leung, Pasadena City College, US
Using Advanced Hybrid Power Systems Controls for Precision Sustainment Through AI
D. Moorman, Moser Energy Systems, US
Estimating solid-liquid interfacial anisotropy using phase-field simulations and machine learning
G. Kim, S. Hyun, H. Ko, Korea Institute of Ceramics Engineering and Technology, KR
4:00Tissue Engineering - PostersExpo Hall BC
Using Low Temperature Plasma (LTP) to Develop Scaffolds with Antimicrobial Properties for Tissue Regeneration
K. Vig, A. Azzouz, M. Zafaryab, Alabama State University, US
Advancing Antimicrobial Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration Using Low Temperature Plasma (LTP)
K. Vig, A. Azzouz, M. Zafaryab, Alabama State University, US
Advancements in 3D-Printed Bone Scaffolds and Intramedullary Nail Systems: In Vitro Evaluation and Rabbit Tibia Model Assessment
S. Saleemi, O. Oti, A. Haleem, A.A. Moussa, M. Khandaker, University of Central Oklahoma, US
4:00CHIPS R&D - PostersExpo Hall BC
Advances in Thermal Metrology of Thin Films via Steady-State Thermoreflectance
J.T. Gaskins, B.F. Foley, D.H. Olson, J.L. Braun, P.E. Hopkins, Laser Thermal, US
High-performance, power efficient storage device, on a base of NVDIMM for embedded systems
I. Sharovar, Truememorytechnology LLC, US
Fabrication of Epsilon-near-zero Metamaterial with Anomalous Refraction
A. Enriquez, M. Meretska, F. Capasso, Harvard University, US
Rugged SiC Device & Power Module Technology for Reliable Power Electronics
A. Morgan, NoMIS Power, US
4:00Advanced Manufacturing in Space - PostersExpo Hall BC
Oxidative stress based strategy for enhancement of bacteriorhodopsin production in Halobacterium salinarium under microgravity
S. Rahul, G.K. Suraishkumar, Indian institute of technology Madras, IN
4:00Student Leaders Poster SessionExpo Hall BC
Polymeric layer-by-layer microcapsules containing iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles exposed to breast cancer cells: A viability study using tetrazolium-based (MTT) and calcein-AM assays
M. Ashcroft, R. Swift, N. Habibi, Micro Nano Technology Education Center, US
Understanding Electronic Properties of Gold and Streptavidin-Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles for Use in Photothermal Cancer Medicine
T. Nguyen, T.L. Sung, W.L. Yu, A. Ashcroft, M. Ashcroft, J. Ashcroft, Pasadena City College, US
Exploring the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for mRNA cancer vaccine 5’ UTR Design
A. Yan, Mercer County Community College, US
Student Created AI-powered Digital Twin for Semiconductor Workforce Training
I. Jha, A. Ashcroft, D. Kelley, J. Zhu, A. Rodriguez, A. Dong, F. Chen, K. Hong, G. Codina, Micro Nano Technology Education Center, US
Enhancing Microfabrication Education and Industry Readiness Leveraging the University of New Mexico’s Manufacturing Training and Technology Center Cleanroom Infrastructure
M.W. Pleil, N. Jackson, University of New Mexico, US
Photonics Programs at Stonehill College: Bridging Education and Industry
G. Gu, C. Schnitzer, R. Adams, J. Evora, V. Taylor, N. Vu, J. Wong, Stonehill College, US
Recyclable Nanocomposite Conductive Wire
C. Fitton-Gillen, A. Rivera, C. Pazmino-Izquierdo, C. Li, Hudson County Community College, US
Generative AI-based Personalized Semiconductor Education using Extended Reality
S. Salehi, P. Satam, E. Azimi, R. Straight, A. Salado, The University of Arizona, US
SemImmerse: Smart Immersive Training Ecosystem for Semiconductor Manufacturing
E. Azimi, R. Lan, C. Wang, K. A. Knudson, T. Peterson, Z. Mutlu, University of Arizona, US
Surface smoothing of diamond by isotropic plasma atomic layer etching
L. Stockl, C.M. Lewis, M. Huerta, N. Moldovan, R. Divan, S. Miller, L. Stan, A. Sumant, Rowan University, US
Designing a Sample Holder for Improved Instrument Sensitivity
K. Lewis, D. Nimlos, S. Cushing, Pasadena City College, US
Synthesis of a novel hydrazone-based compound applied as a fluorescence turn-on chemosensor for iron (III) and a colorimetric sensor for copper (II) with antimicrobial, DFT and molecular docking studies.
A. Adams, A.R. Sharmin, A.M. Patwary, E.G. William, K.M. Royhana, M.M. Mahmud, M.A. Haque, J. Uddin, and K. Morshin, Coppin State University, US
Determining Optimal Base Dose with Electron Beam Lithography
K. Ohashi, Caltech/Pasadena City College, US
*STUDENT POSTER AWARDEE* Copper-bearing hydrotalcite minerals as precursors for photocatalytic supported plasmonic nanoparticles
J. Cabezas Parra, E.R. Newmeyer, J. North, M. Hershey, D.F. Swearer, Northwestern University, US
Sponsors & Partners
SBIR/STTR Agency Partners