OCTOBER 18-20, 2021

Abstract Submission

Symposium & Topic Area


AI TechConnect

Topic Area:

AI Innovations

Contact Information

Abstract Information

500 words max.
If your abstract was accepted in 2020, please submit your Abstract ID Number (provided in your reminder email)
The extended abstract PDF file (maximum 2 pages) should include the paper title, author´s names, affiliations, and a contact e-mail. It may include figures and references to relevant literature, including publications and patents by the author´s group, and any other information that may aid reviewers in assessing your submission. Please underline the presenting author and use no smaller than 12-point type. There is a 4MB size limit on files. Please do not password protect or encrypt your PDF file.
TechConnect Briefs is published as both an on-line open-access journal and in annual print compilations. The 10,000+ papers that have been published over the last 20 years are referenced globally both on-line and in print, and indexed in major databases.

2021 Sponsors & Partners


SBIR/STTR Agency Partners