Join industry partners and applied research leadership accelerating the development and deployment of new material solutions into products and society.
2021 Speakers and Chairs Include:
Aya Takase
Rigaku, US
Ron Jones
National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Aaron Franklin
Duke University, US
Yury Gogotsi
Drexel University, US
Christopher Sims
National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Corinne Lipscomb
3M, US
Axel Scherer
Caltech, US
Mandakini Kanungo
Corning, Inc., US
Amir Yacoby
Harvard, US
Mollie Schwartz
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, US
Jake Fontana
Naval Research Laboratory, US
Marcelo Davanco
National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
2500 S&T Speakers
250 Exhibitors
1000 Prospectors
2000 Innovators
2500 1-on-1 Meetings
2020 Key Speakers & Chairs (pre-COVID)
Nicolas J. Alvarez, Drexel University
Wolfgang S. Bacsa, University of Toulouse, FR
Vikas Berry, University of Illinois at Chicago, US
Peter Bishop, Johnson Matthey, UK
Patrick Brant, Consultant, US
Vincent Bulone, University of Adelaide, Australia
Ishita Chakraborty, Stress Engineering Services, US
Jeannine M. Coburn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US
Lou Dadok, FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc.
Phil Demokritou, Harvard School of Public Health, US
Tomasz Durakiewicz, US National Science Foundation
Christine E. Duval, Case Western Reserve University
Anne Fischer, DARPA, US
Aaron D. Franklin, Duke University, US
Susan Fullerton, University of Pittsburgh, US
Slade H Gardner, Big Metal Additive, Inc. US
Sean Garner, Corning
Geoffrey M. Geise, University of Virginia, US
Hossein Ghezel-ayagh, FuelCell Energy, Inc.
Aaron Gilad Kusne, NIST
Adam Goff, Luna Innovations, US
Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, US
Bill Goldner, USDA Office of the Chief Scientist, US
Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez, University of Leoben, Austria
Pankaj Gupta, The Dow Chemical Company, US
Greg Haugstad, University of Minnesota, US
Donny Hanjaya-Putra, University of Notre Dame, US
Nanci Hardwick, MELD Manufacturing Corporation, US
Jingsong Huang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Sean Ireland, Fiberlean Technologies, US
Michael Jakubinek, National Research Council Canada
Steven Jons, Dupont, US
Jim Johnston, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Mandakini Kanungo, Corning, Inc., US
Trevor Keel, Silver Institute, US
Peter Koenig, Procter & Gamble, US
Jan Kośny, UMass Lowell, US
Amishi Kumar, Program Manager, U.S. Department of Energy
Sanat K. Kumar, Columbia University, US
Thomas Alan Kwan, Unilever, US
Kock-Yee Law, Research and Innovative Solutions, US
Patrick Lee, University of Toronto, Canad
Helen Lentzakis, Kruger Biomaterials Inc., US
Thomas Li, NXP Semiconductor
Corinne Lipscomb, 3M, US
Ying Liu, Cardiff University, UK
C. Rebecca Locker, ExxonMobil, US
Katharina Maisel, University of Maryland, US
Vasilios I. Manousiouthakis, UCLA, US
Prantik Mazumder, Corning Research and Development Corporation
Kelsey McNeely, ExxonMobil, US
Joey Mead, UMass Lowell, US
Amanda Mills, N.C. State University, US
World L-S Nieh, U.S. Forest Service
Jan-Steffen Niehaus, Fraunhofer-Center for Applied Nanotechnology CAN, Germany
Len Pagliaro, Siva Therapeutics Inc., US
Kyoo-Chul (Kenneth) Park, Northwestern University, US
Olivier Pluchery, Sorbonne Université, FR
Martin Poitzsch, Aramco Research Center, US
Elena Polyakova, Graphene 3D Lab, Inc, US
YuanQiao Rao, The Dow Chemical Company, US
Julia Rashba-Step, Phosphorex, US
Joshua Robinson, Penn State University, US
Ryan Roeder, University of Notre Dame, US
Orlando Rojas, University of British Columbia, Canada
Rick Ross, 3M Company, US
Robert Ryan, Twining, Inc., US
Subramanian Sankaranarayanan, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Mary Scott, UC Berkeley, US
Brent M Segal, Lockheed Martin, US
Maksim Shivokhin, ExxonMobil, US
Steven R. Sopher, JSP, US
Christopher M. Stafford, NIST, US
Samuel M. Stavis, NIST, US
Anirudha V. Sumant, Argonne National Laboratory, US
James M. Tour, Rice University, US
Loucas Tsakalakos, GE Global Research, US
Puneet Tyagi, AstraZeneca, US
Krassimir Velikov, Unilever, Netherlands
Siqun Wang, University of Tennessee, US
Wendel Wohlleben, BASF SE, Germany
Tak-Sing Wong, spotLESS Materials, US
Dalia Yablon, SurfaceChar LLC, US
Amir Yacoby, Harvard, US
Namiko Yamamoto, Penn State University, US
Brenton Young, AOSense, Inc., US
Xindi Yu, The Dow Chemical Company, US
Wei Xie, Form Energy Inc., US
Huolin Xin, UC Irvine, US
Meng Xue, Ingredion Incorporated, US
Maxim A Ziatdinov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US