JUNE 17-19, 2024    

TechConnect World 2024 Program - Index of Affiliations

AffiliationDayPresenter(s)Talk title
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT4.322S. JessePanelist
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT2.302W. Halsey, D. Pokkalla, V. Paquit, R. Davies, L. H…AI-assisted feedback to sheet metal stamping processes for automotive applications
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryM2.283S. Raghuraman, N. Domingo, S. JesseAFM cantilever, contact mechanics, and electrostatics calibration in the off-resonant dynamic regime
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT2.401L. Wang, D. Akamo, X. Liu, K.R. Gluesenkamp, Y. Qi…Performance of an Integrated Heat Pump with Thermal Energy Storage for Peak Demand Reduction
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT4.051D.S. ParkerRare Earth Permanent Magnet Innovation from the Critical Materials Innovation Hub
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryW1.022C.M. Greenfield, A. Lumsdaine, L.P. CunninghamHandling US private company requests for ITER information
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT4.102A. LumsdainePerspectives on public-private partnerships for supply chain development
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryM4.283S. JesseTracking charge dynamics by high speed and time resolved Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryW2.066A. Banboukian, D. Kamath, S. NimbalkarEnvironmental and Economic Analysis of Value-added Products from Integrated Pulp Biorefineries
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryT2.108A. CampbellSupply Chain Challenges for the Commercialization of Fusion Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (UT-Batelle, LLC)M2.342N. Sharma, P. LemarOpportunities and Challenges for Iron and Steel Industry Water Use, Treatment, and Reuse in the Unit…
Office of Investment & Innovation, U.S. Small Business AdministrationT1.021B. SicklerSBA Growth Accelerator Competition
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy, DODT4.622C. ZemberDefense Business Accelerator - Overview
Orbital CompositesW2.161A. Badesha, C. Nielsen, D. StevensIn-Space Manufacturing of Antennas for Global Scale Communications and Energy
Oregon State UniversityT4.084C. Zhen, A. Singh, A. TermehchyWhen Can We Ignore Missing Data in Model Training?
Oregon State UniversityT4.145B. Zhang, X. Hou, C. Zhen, A.X. WangOn-Chip Biosensor For Monitoring Drug Usage Through City Wastewater
OUSDT4.411J. Pamulapatimoderator
Oxford Instruments Asylum Research Inc.W5.443R. Proksch, A. Labuda, J. Lefever, J. Li, F.T. Lim…Improved AFM Measurement Accuracy and Precision Using Quadrature Phase Differential Interferometry f…
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