JUNE 13-15, 2022

2022 Index of Affiliations

G6 Materials CorpM4.263Graphene Oxide and Its Targeted Applications
General Graphene CorpT8.323The truth about graphene – where is it and why it is taking this long to get here
George Mason UniversityT1.283Small Molecule Generation with Property Control via Disentangled Representation Learning
George Mason UniversityT4.426Distinctive thermoresponsive behavior of smart polymers solvated in glycerol from Molecular Dynamics
George Mason UniversityT8.462Monte Carlo simulation of the energetics and thermodynamics of polypyrrole in condensed phases
Georgetown UniversityM2.222Novel Nanoparticle Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Georgetown UniversityM4.245Liquid core nanocapsules synthesized using flash nanoprecipitation
Georgetown UniversityT1.124Therapeutic nanoparticle treatment for acute kidney injury
Georgetown UniversityT9.906Synthesis and Characterization of Polystyrene Nanocapsules
Georgia Institute of TechnologyM2.363Advanced Membranes, Ionomers, and Catalysts for Alkaline Electrolysis
Georgia Southern UniversityT8.424Electrospraying of PCL-Peptide Nanoparticles to target cancer cells and the in-vivo tests
Georgiasouthern.eduM2.223Engineered synthesis, processing, and in-vivo performance of multicancer drug nanocapsules
GlycoSurf, Inc.T4.384Critical Advances in Rare Earth Element Recovery from Aqueous Sources
GreenMetW2.343Securing Sustainable Supply Chains for North America Critical Rare Earth Elements
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SBIR/STTR Agency Partners