JUNE 9-11, 2025 | AUSTIN, TX
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TechConnect World 2025 Program - Monday June 9

7:00RegistrationLone Star Lobby
8:30TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Plenary KeynotesLone Star E
Session chair: Jennifer Rocha, Dalia Yablon, Matthew Laudon, TechConnect ATI, US
To Be Announced
M. Pasquali, Rice University, US
Future Technologies Based on Mimicking Nature with Controls of Charge, Spin, and Heat
P. Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles, US
To Be Announced
E. Page-Littleford, Small Business Administration, US
10:00Coffee BreakLone Star Lobby
10:30University Innovations - Driving Collaborations & Tech Ventures
Session chair: Alex Norman & Christine Galib, Princeton University, US
Transforming Research into Market-ready Solutions
A. Williams, Princeton University, US
10:30Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Nexceris Solid Oxide Cell Technology
S.L. Swartz, Nexceris, US
Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Fuel Cells for the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck
T. Zawodzinski, Jr., University of Tennesse-Knoxville, US
Development of a Mobile Fuel Cell Generator
J. Schulte, P. Scott, M. Simon, RockeTruck, Inc., US
Electrolyzers that Live Outside and Underwater: An Integrated Offshore Hydrogen Production and LDES System for Utility Grid Balancing
E. Greenbaum, GTA, Inc., US
10:30Precision Health & Diagnostics
Session chair: Prakash Nallathamby, University of Notre Dame, US
Multiomics Platform with AI-Analytics for Rapid, Non-Invasive Disease Diagnostics
B. Griffith, H. Gamage, U. Kubhar, R. Khosravi-Far, InnoTech Precision Medicine Inc, US
Revolutionizing Traumatic Brain Injury Risk Assessment with SYN46™ and AI/ML
C. Naler, S. Schlueter, J. Fessler, A. Rosenthal, General Genomics, Inc., US
Precision without Radiation: Advanced Needle Guidance Technology for Percutaneous Needle Interventions
P. Vemavarapu, XRMedix, US
Early-stage detection of Ovarian Cancer through e-nose odor profile determination
J. Eriksson, D. Puglisi, I. Shtepliuk, C. Borgfeldt, Linköpings Universitet, SE
Compact, Electronically-Readable Point-of-Care Immunoassays
D.A. Kidwell, K. Le, Naval Research Laboratory, US
10:30Micro & Bio Fluidics, Lab-on-Chip I
Session chair: Kwang W. Oh, SUNY - Buffalo, US
nanoFin Effect (nFE)
D. Banerjee, Texas A&M University, US
Enhancing Programmable BioFPGAs for Advanced Diagnostics
E. Lee, J. Diao, C-Y Lee, University of Cincinnati, US
Biological Lipid Bilayer Membrane Electrophysiology: A review of current challenges and trends
K. Tantawi, Y. Musa, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, US
Evaporative Concentrator for Water-Soluble Chemical Preconcentration: Proof-of-Concept Using Glucose
Y. Su, T. Hutter, The University of Texas at Austin, US
10:30Sustainable Water Management
Session chair: Qilin Li, Rice University; Lin Zhao, Dow Chemical Company, US
Beyond Decarbonization - Dow's Water & Nature Strategy
T. Young, The Dow Chemical Company, US
AI Driven Urban Futures: Coupling Decentralized Resource Recovery with Digital Agriculture to Address Urban Sustainability and Resilience
Y. Chen, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
Direct Lithium Extraction with Solid State Electrolyte Membranes
M. Elimelech, S.K. Patel, A. Iddya, W. Pan, J. Qian, Rice University, US
10:30Advances and Challenges in Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Post-Processing
Session chair: Babak Eslami, Widener University, US
What 3D Printing Cannot Achieve: Rethinking Additive Manufacturing of Composites
K. Fu, University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials, US
Progress in volumetric additive manufacturing at the National Research Council of Canada
C. Paquet, A. Orth, D. Webber, Y. Zhang, K.L. Sampson, X. Liu, T. Lacelle, K. Houlahan, J. Boisvert, National Research Council, CA
Post-Process Superfinishing of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel Components with Complex Geometries
J. Boykin, R. Shealy, REM Surface Engineering, US
Improving processability of s-FRP through surface functionalization of milled carbon fibers and 3D printing of partially bio-based methacrylate resin composites
K.P. Cortés-Guzmán, Z. Demchuk, T. Saito, Y. Jiang, R. Advincula, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, US
10:30Composite Materials I
Session chair: Kenan Song, University of Georgia, US
Toughening of High-Performance Thermosets and Composites based on Reactive Polyetherimide
H. Chen, Y-C Hsu, L-T Hwang, D. Bajaj, D. Patil, N. Verghese, H-J Sue, Texas A&M University, US
Functional Fiber and Composite Materials from Lignocellulosic Biomass
J.Y. Chen, The University of Texas at Austin, US
Development of a Low Thermal Expansion POSS Nanocomposite Resin for SLA 3D Printing of Aerospace Components
M.A. Sufian, J.S. Tate, Texas State University, US
Degradable Poly(Cannabinoid)-Based Conductive Copper Particles, Inks, and Composites
M.M. Sotzing, J. Toribio, G. Sotzing, A. Chortos, Purdue University, US
10:30Sustainable Graphite Production from Plastic and Other Waste Feedstocks
Session chair: Santa Jansone-Popova, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Low-temperature production of highly crystalline graphite from unconventional and conventional feedstocks
C. Matranga, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US
Electrochemically Promoted Sustainable Graphite Production from Unconventional Precursors
B.P. Thapaliya, S.M. Mahurin, S. Dai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Upcycling Consumer Plastic Waste By Conversion To Graphitic Carbons: Mechanism(S) And Characterization
A. Gharpure, M. Kowalik, A.C. van Duin, R.L. Vander Wal, Penn State University, US
Laser-induced Transformation of Polymeric Waste into Graphite
I.C. Nlebedim, K. Islam, H-W Noh, A. Karati, A. Sakar, P. Shrotriya, Ames National Laboratory, US
10:30Innovative Biomaterial Applications
Session chair: Susan MacKay, University of Maine, US
Development of sustainable and hypoallergenic biorubber, biolatex and other bioproducts from  new crop Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS). 
A.U. Buranov, Nova-BioRubber Green Technologies Inc, CA
ReGreen our Earth and your Pocket
A. Dimoula, Paramount Planet Product, US
Novel paper-based packaging for food crisping applications in microwave heating
T.A. Dankovich, J.S. Levine, Folia Materials Inc, US
Fabrication of Enhanced Polyamide 6 Composites with Chitin Nanowhiskers: A Sustainable Approach to Filler Driven Crosslinking
R. Panackal Shibu, J.L. Shamshina, Texas Tech University, US
10:30SPMConnect: Cells, Biomolecules, and Biomaterials I
Session chair: Jinhui Tao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Nonclasscial mechanisms of inhibition of beta-hematin crystallization inform strategies to suppress blood-stage malaria parasites
H.-J. Lee, H. Azargoshasb, P.G. Vekilov, University of Houston, US
Combined multimodal nanomechanical and IR-absorption AFM modes for the study of soft and bio-sourced materials
N. Domingo, M. Checa, R. Millan, L. Collins, A. Ievlev, S. Soini, V. Merk, H. Li, M. Foston, R. Farahi, A. Passian, S. Jesse, K. Kelley, CNMS/ORNL, US
Probing bacterial elastomers, rewritable microfluidics and EUV resist development
P. Ashby, D. Li, Y. Chai, L. Long, J. Chen, C. Ajo-Franklin, T. Russell, P. Naulleau, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
Gel Front Nanomechanics in Photopolymer Hydrogels
J.P. Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
10:30Energy Storage Keynotes: Energy Challenges
Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
10:30Drug, Biomolecule, and Vaccine Delivery
Session chair: Helen Zha, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US; Thaisha Wright, UCLA, US
Engineering biodegradable microneedle patches to deliver pain medication for farm animals
J. Almodovar, University of Maryland Baltimore County, US
Development of a Novel Oral Formulation of Amphotericin B to Treat Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in Vulnerable Populations
K. Wasan, C. Leiper, S. Leiper, J. Kim, University of British Columbia, CA
PEX: Anti-Cancer peptide Family That Specifically Deliver Chemotherapy Into Cancer Cells
R. Nechushtai, R. Elber, PD&E Therapeutic Inc, US
Advancing Protein-Polymer Conjugation for Enhanced Stability and Activity in Drug Delivery Systems
T. Wright, University of California, Los Angeles, US
Zwitterionic Materials for Improved Drug Delivery
Z.Q. Cao, Wayne State University, US
10:30Materials Characterization and Imaging
Session chair: Greg Haugstad, University of Minnesota, US
Multiscale Characterization of PEEK with Atomic Force Microscope: 3D Printing Applications
M. Adamson, B. Blake, B. Eslami, Widener University, US
Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Mechanisms in High-Temperature Thermoplastic Composites
R. Sheley, J.S. Tate, M. Tehrani, Texas State University, US
Assessing Electronics with Advanced 3D X-ray Imaging, Nanoscale Tomography, and Deep Learning
H. Villarraga-Gómez, ZEISS, US
Combining Simulation and Small Angle Neutron Scattering at SNS and HFIR
Y. Shang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Novel synthesis route of superconducting polycrystalline SmFeAsO1-xFx with Tc = 56 K
Y. Kamihara, Y. Kobayashi, R. Takeuchi, M. Matoba, Keio University, JP
10:30Nanoparticles Synthesis & Manufacturing Innovation
Session chair: Jan Niehaus, Fraunhofer IAP, DE
Innovation in Aluminum Welding via Nanoparticle Enhanced Weld Wire Utility
D. Meath, L. Brown, Advanced Technology International, US
Novel Applications of Quantum Dots - The Next Wave of Innovative Products Powered by Quantum Effects
J. Niehaus, Fraunhofer IAP-CAN, DE
Extremely large-area nanopatterning from self-assembled colloidal particles
G. Cossio, Nanoscale Labs, US
Sponge-shaped monometallic and bimetallic noble metal nanoparticle catalysts
N. Kumar, H. Rajashekhar, D. Vrushabendrakumar, K.M. Alam, S. Chitti, S.S. Aare, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA
10:30Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program - Tutorial Sessions
Session chair: Jared Ashcroft, Pasadena City College, US
S. Roberts, CUNY, US
R. Chimenti, Rowan University, US
11:15Fostering University-Industry Collaborations
Session chair: Nakia Melecio, Georgia Tech, US
N. Melecio, Georgia Tech, US
L. Brackett, Jackson State University, US
A. Busch, NSF Innovation Corps Southwest Hub, UT-Austin, US
B. Petty, Texas A&M University, US
12:00Lunch BreakOn own
1:00TechConnect World, SBIR/STTR Pavilion - Expo OpensJW Grand Ballroom
1:00University Innovations - Commercialization of Academic Research: Panel
Session chair: Christine Galib, Princeton University, US
J. Ritter, Princeton University, US
A. Gollach, HAX, US
J. Ethier, Energy Tech Nexus, US
P. Dianat, Quantum Computing Inc, US
1:45Blended Finance for Climate Tech Commercialization
G. Francis, Rapid Ventures, US
2:30Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Venture Capital: Fireside Chat
T. Best and J. O'Sullivan, Syzygy Plasmonics and O'Sullivan Solutions, US
1:30Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program
Session chair: Jared Ashcroft, Pasadena City College, US
Student Mentors - Tips & Tricks
P. Kirya, University of California, San Diego, US
1:30Hydrogen Production
Session chair: John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory, US
H2@Scale in Texas - a "Protohub" that demonstrates the first renewable hydrogen network
B. Weeks, M. Lewis, GTI Energy, US
HyVelocity, The Texas and Gulf Coast Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub
B. Weeks, GTI Energy, US
Hydrogen Energy Research Operation (HERO) - Best Practices for an End-to-End Integrated Hydrogen Prototype
S. Stuver, GTI Energy, US
Is Green Hydrogen the Answer to Energy Reslience?
L. Flanagan, Sesame Solar, US
Hydrogen Generation through Integrated Sustainable Electrolysis of Water
S. Bashir, P. Villareal, J.L. Liu, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, US
*STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* High-rate photocatalytic hydrogen generation from methanol using narrow bandgap small molecule organic semiconductor
N. Kumar, K.M. Alam, M.M. Rana, S. Chitti, R. Pambala, S.S. Aare, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA
New Insights on Thermo-catalytic Decomposition of Natural Gas and Regeneration
R.L. Vander Wal, M.M. Nikiawete, J.H. Heim II, Penn State University, US
1:30Emerging Methods for Materials Design with Artifical Intelligence I
Session chair: Michael Rauch, Schrodinger, US
Multiscale machine learning accelerates materials computations
B. Kozinsky, Harvard University, US
Complex Polymer Design in the Age of AI: What, How, and Why?
M.A. Webb, Princeton University, US
AI-Driven Innovation for Polymeric Materials and Formulations: The PolymRize Approach
R. Gurnani, Matmerize, US
Towards Complex Materials Development: Integration of Physics-Based and Machine Learning Approaches
E.M. Collins, K.B. Moore, H. Abroshan, D. Giesen, M.D. Halls, A. Chandrasekaran, Schrödinger, Inc., US
CAMINNO Gen6: Enhancing Advanced Manufacturing for High-Tech Applications with Digital Twins and Scientific Machine Learning
A. Stein, CAMINNO, Inc., US
1:30Micro & Bio Fluidics, Lab-on-Chip II
Session chair: Kwang W. Oh, SUNY - Buffalo, US
Biomimetic Microengineering of the Human Intestine and Host-Microbiome Interactions
H.J. Kim, Cleveland Clinic, US
Replacing centrifugation with high-throughput microfluidic cell separation for blood transfusion and cellular therapy applications
S.S. Shevkoplyas, University of Houston, US
Precision Manipulation and Orientation of Anisotropic Nanoprobes for Single-Cell Analysis
H. Li, D. Teal, Z. Liang, D. Fan, The University of Texas at Austin, US
Determination of Aortic Aneurysms Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
S.U. Taskin, K. Gök, İzmir Bakircay niversity, TR
1:30Innovative Solutions for Water Sustainability
Session chair: Qilin Li, Rice University; Lin Zhao, Dow Chemical Company, US
Integrated Membrane Systems for Selective Removal of Contaminants
L.E. Katz, M.R. Landsman, B.D. Freeman, A.F. Seibert, University of Texas at Austin, US
Photocatalytic Degradation of Congo Red Using Reduced Graphene Oxide Decorated With TiO2 NT/NR
A. Rodríguez-Álvarez, S. Silva-Martínez, J. Arcibar–Orozco, E. Ramírez-Morales, C. Pineda-Arellano, Posgrado Interinstitucional de Ciencia y Tecnología SECIHTI-Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica, A. C., 20200 Aguascalientes, México, MX
PFAS destruction via nonthermal plasma in (waste)water
W. De Weirdt, Tectero BV, BE
Improving Membrane Distillation of Hypersaline Brine with Surface Patterns
Y. Ding, S. Fan, J. Chau, K. Sirkar, A. Straub, University of Colorado Boulder, US
Produced Water Treatment: A Potential Solution to Growing Water, Energy and Environmental Crises
P. Sharan, R. Santosh, A. Findikoglu, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment and Water Disinfection: The Role of Air, Oxygen, and Ozone Nanobubbles
R. Govind, University of Cincinnati, US
1:30Expanding the Frontiers of Additive Manufacturing: AI, Multimaterials, and Process Optimization
Session chair: Babak Eslami, Widener University, US
Parallax Manufacturing: A High Dimensionality Volumetric Additive Manufacturing Framework
A.C. Uzcategui, J.E. Hergert, R.R. McLeod, Vitro3D, US
Artificial Intelligence Tool that Automates the Conversion of 2D Schematics to 3D Digital Models for Additive Manufacturing and Virtual Reality Systems
J. Beyle, V. Sheehan, EZ2-3D, LLC, US
Internal Surface Finishing of Additively Manufactured RF Components for Fusion Reactor Applications
J. Boykin, R. Shealy, REM Surface Engineering, US
Additively Manufactured Heat Exchanger and Channel Fabrication Optimization via Chemical Powder Blockage Removal, Surface Roughness Reduction, and Wall Thickness Optimization/Component Lightweighting
J. Boykin, R. Shealy, REM Surface Engineering, US
Multimaterial Additive Manufacturing of Fully Compounded Thermoset Rubber in combination with Thermoplastics
N. Diaz Armas, G. Bertola, A. Senckowski, X. Lu, A. Ma, D. Kazmer, J. Mead, University of Massachusetts Lowell, US
Transforming the PCB industry: From subtractive, polluting chemical etching to additive, lower cost, sustainable copper printing
M. Grouchko, O. Shochet, T. Dolev, Copprint, IL
1:30Composite Materials II
Session chair: Jitendra S. Tate, Texas State University, US
Manufacture and Mechanical Behavior of Hollow and Foam Filled 3D Printed Core Sandwich Composites
M. Hosur, D. P. Gorijala, J. Gonzales, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, US
A Novel Approach to Develop, Characterize, and Modeling Novel Ablatives for Thermal Protection Systems
J.H. Koo, S. Kim, S. Bernstein, R. Feru, A. Mushruwala, B. Rech, and L. Pilato, The University of Texas at Austin, US
Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Mechanisms in High-Temperature Thermoplastic Composites
R. Sheley, J. Tate, M. Tehrani, Texas State University, US
High Performance Silica Nanoparticles Reinforced PLA Nanocomposite using 3D Printing Method
A.R. Mali, T. Uwaike, S. Obare, L. Zhang, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US
Hard Gold Additive Study
K.Y. Ho, Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co Ltd, HK
New Composites from 3D Printing for Microelectronics
T. Sobczak, D. Patil, K. Song, University of Georgia, US
Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed High-Performance Bonded Magnetic Composites
O.K. Arigbabowo, P.U. Karkhanis, W.J. Geerts, J.S. Tate, Texas State University, US
Investigation of structural phase transition mechanisms in ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin films composite solutions
E. Lugo-Martinez, N.A. Ulloa-Castillo, M.C. Rodriguez-Aranda, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, MX
1:30Carbon Nanomaterials and Applications
Session chair: Chris Sims, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Carbon Nanotubes: History, Current Status, and Future Prospects
X. Zhang, Novarials Corporation, US
Effects of Additive Combinations on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Separation Conditions in Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction
C.M. Sims, T. Hicks, J.A. Fagan, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US
Exploring A Theoretical Framework for Scalable Carbon Nanotube Wire Production via Integrated Processes
C.B. Minor, University of Utah, US
Modification of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with specific element and metal oxide and studying the thermal properties of modified MWCNTs / polymer nanocomposites
N.U. Ahamad, H. Rahman, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, BD
Synergistic Effects of Geometric Shape and Post Curing on Carbon-based nanoparticle Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites: Characterization, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties
D. Zhang, North Dakota State University, US
Printable carbon dot sensors for handheld hyperspectral detection by taming heterogeneity
J. Grey, E. Westphal, M. Holzmann, K. Ghosh, Sandia National Laboratories, US
1:30Innovations in Magnet Materials and Manufacturing Techniques
Session chair: Andriy Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, US
A Metric Driven Approach to Advancing Critical Materials Research, Development and Demonstration Portfolio
J. Mehta, U.S. Department of Energy, US
Critical-material-lean nitride permanent magnets
R.W. Smaha, S. O’Donnell, R. Kuchi, Y. Wu, R. Kinner, S.R. Bauers, F. Johnson, I. Hlova, M.J. Kramer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US
Near net shape fabrication of anisotropic Nd-Fe-B magnet using hot roll method
C. Pan, W. Tang, X. Liu, I. Nlebedim, O. Ryan, J. Cui, Ames National Laboratory, US
Thermomagnetic Processing of CeCo-Based ‘Gap’ Magnets
M.S. Kesler, M.J Thompson, M.A. Mcquire, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
New Fe-rich Magnets Without Critical Rare Earths
A. Palasyuk, A. Raja, O. Palasyuk, D. Schlagel, Ames National Laboratory, US
High Torque Permanent Magnet Axial Flux Motors Without Neodymium
M. Hays, S. Carr, Orbis Electric, US
Application of hydrogen processing on rare earth metals recycling
M.M. Feng, Polykala Technologies LLC, US
1:30Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Symposium I
1:30Cellulose Nanomaterials and Applications
Session chair: Halil Tekinalp, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Advantages of Microgravity Produced Bacterial Nano Cellulose
J. Scoccimerra, T. Thompson, S. Bankapur, Helogen Corporation, US
Structure-Property Relationship of Cellulose Nanofiber-Reinforced PVP Nanocomposites
L-C Yeh, H. Chen, T-C Huang, H-J Sue, Texas A&M University, US
Functionalized Cellulose Nanocrystals as Highly Luminescent Imaging Labels and Structure-Directing Agents for Solution-Processed Electronic Composites
N. Chaulagain, K.M. Alam, P. Kumar, J.C. Garcia, N. Kumar, S. Chitti, S.S. Aare, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA
Innovative Lightweight Bio-Based Foams: In Situ Mycelium Growth in CNF-Enabled Lignocellulosic Scaffolds for Sustainable Thermal and Sound Insulation
M. El Hajam*, W. Sun, I. Hafez, C. Howell, M. Tajvidi, University of Maine, US
Technoeconomic analysis of refined cellulose functional additives produced using novel dewatering techniques
S.G. MacKay, C. Walker, A. Buzzelli, D. Coughlin, University of Maine, US
1:30Biomaterials and Medical Devices I
Session chair: Tanya Hutter, University of Texas at Austin, US
Advances in Cardiac Rhythm Management with Conductive Hydrogels
E.M. Cosgriff-Hernandez, A. Post, M. Razavi, H. Zhang, The University of Texas at Austin, US
Non-Additive Antimicrobial Polymer Composites for Medical Devices
E.W. Tate, E.G. Wrigglesworth, Inhibit Coatings, NZ
Calculation of eye gaze vector using microcameras embedded in customary spectacle frames
D. Suitt, J. Park, D. Grissom, C. Jones, M. Rickard, California Baptist University, US
*STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* A Wireless Forehead E-tattoo for Mental Workload Estimation
H. Huh, H. Shin, H. Li, N. Lu, The University of Texas at Austin, US
Development of a simple, inexpensive, novel device for airway management in babies and adults
C. Bernstein, BB Medical Surgical, US
Inference and Understanding of Flow State using Behavioral and Physiological Measures Captured by Wearable Sensors
K. Mauldin, M. Rickard, J. Park, C. Jones, California Baptist University, US
Biowear Microneedle-Based Analysis
R. Polsky, Biowear, Inc., US
1:30SPM Applications in Material Discovery I
Session chair: Filippo Mangolini, University of Texas at Austin, US
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of Moiré Electrostatic Potential on Twisted Hexagonal Boron Nitride Multilayers
N. Austin-Bingamon, M. Goodman, R. Dominguez, R. Mayorga-Luna, D.S. Kim, K.P. Lee, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X.E. Li, Y. Miyahara, Texas State University, US
*STUDENT ABSTRACT WINNER* Employing Atomic Force Microscopy as a Tool for the Localized Patterning of Graphene
E.J. Broker Jr., R. Davenport, J.D. Batteas, Texas A&M University, US
Probing Electrocatalysis by Force Noise Measurements
P. Grutter, McGill University, CA
AFM-IR development for applications in industrial research
H.L. Lechuga, E. Imbertson, C.K. Spicer, 3M Company, US
Sub-diffraction Imaging of Carrier Dynamics in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors with Time-Resolved Electrostatic Force Microscopy
R. Giridharagopal, M.D. Breshears, J. Pothoof, D.S. Ginger, University of Washington, US
Application of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy imaging to emerging material systems
M. Jones, University of Texas at Austin, US
Force-induced Structural Transformation of F14H20 Superstructures
M-H Choi, H. Noh, S.B. Kaemmer, Park Systems inc., US
1:30Energy Storage: Batteries I
Session chair: Imre Gyuk, u.S. Department of Energy, US
Emerging battery technologies for grid scale applications
P. Shrivastava, PwC India, IN
Advanced Graphite-Enhanced Battery Materials for Long-Duration Grid Energy Storage: Innovations in Critical Mineral Utilization and Sustainable Battery Technology
E.M. Pierremont, SeaScope Tecnologies, CA
Sodium Batteries
M. Dongre, WATTHOUR Private Limited, IN
Next generation sodium iron chloride batteries for long duration energy storage: Inlyte Energy’s path to market and scale
W.E. Gent, A.C. Baclig, B. Kaun, Inlyte Energy, US
2:15Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program - Speed Networking 1Lone Star East Lobby
Session chair: Maria Fernanda Campa, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (Contractor), US
2:15Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program - Career Panel 1
Session chair: Maria Fernanda Campa, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (Contractor), US
3:00Energy Storage: Batteries II
Session chair: Imre Gyuk, U.S. Department of Energy, US
Lithium Sulfur Flow Batteries for Grid-scale Energy Storage
E. Benner, S. Byrne, C. Call, GridFlow, Inc., US
Flow-Assisted Manganese-Based Batteries for Long Duration Applications
M. Fayette, Z. Grady, W. Lim, X. Li, D. Reed, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Advancing the 3.7V K-Ion Battery for Stationary Energy Storage
L. Xue, Y. Kutsovsky, A. Girau, Group1, US
Materials innovation and cell development for room temperature Na-S batteries
X. Zheng, H. Hao, S. Jagadeesan, J. Nanda, SLAC, US
Aqueous Zinc Battery for Grid application
B. Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
3:30University Innovations - Driving Collaborations & Tech Ventures
Session chair: Alex Norman & Christine Galib, Princeton University, US
3:35PolyGone Systems - Systematic Solutions for Microplastic Pollution
Y. Liu, PolyGone Systems, Inc, US
3:45Engineering a Cooler Future: An Immigrant’s Path from NASA to Climate Tech Innovation
R. Rasheed, Helix Earth, US
3:55Empowering Next-Generation Power Resilience: Revterra’s Kinetic Stabilizer from Concept to Commercial Scale
B.I. Jawdat, Revterra, US
4:05The Montana Microfabrication Facility
R. Joshi, Montana State University, US
4:15Commercializing Academic Research in Low R&D Industries: The Case of E-Textiles
E.P. Tillery, A.C. Mills, A. Parker, North Carolina State Univeristy, US
4:25Nanotechnology Revolution: Redefining Battery Manufacturing for a Sustainable Future
C. Reyes, Material Hybrid Manufacturing, US
4:35Understanding the Safety of Energy Storage and Conversion Materials and Systems through R&D Collaborations
W.S. Tang, UL Research Institutes, US
3:30Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program - Speed Networking 2Lone Star East Lobby
Session chair: Maria Fernanda Campa, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (Contractor), US
3:30Micro Nano Electronics and Photonics Workforce Development Program - Career Panel 2
Session chair: Maria Fernanda Campa, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (Contractor), US
4:00TechConnect Innovation Showcase Reception, Poster Session I (4:00 - 6:00)JW Grand Ballroom
4:00SBIR/STTR Pavilion ReceptionJW Grand Ballroom
4:00Fuel Cells & Hydrogen - Posters
Effect of electrolyte in electrochemical anodic oxidation of valve metals and their photocatalytic applications
N. Kumar, K. Shankar, University of Alberta, CA
4:00Additive Manufacturing - Posters
Evaluating the Tensile and Flexural Properties of 3D-printed PLA-CF/PLA composites
B. Blake, B. Eslami, Widener University, US
Low-cost hybrid additive manufacturing platform for on-demand chip packaging to accelerate innovation for austere environments
O. Moreno, B. Hamelin, B. English, EngeniusMicro LLC, US
Irradiation-Induced Microstrain and Dislocation Density in Additively Manufactured 316H Stainless Steel
M.A. Mahrous, M.A. Abdelghany, C. Bonney, H. Farag, I. Jasiuk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
4:00Composite Materials - Posters
Investigation on the thermal, mechanical and antibacterial properties of Polymer nanocomposites from Waste Polypropylene and cerium oxide nanoparticles
I.S. Ramakoti, N. Gouda, A.K. Panda, Centurion University of Technology and management, IN
Functionalized polymer nanocomposites as a promising materials for application in Carbon dioxide capturing
G.L. Jaiswar, Amvedkar University Agra, IN
Studying Thermal Property of Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes and Polymer Composite for Developing Fire Retardant Textiles
N.U. Ahamad, S.U. Ahamed, M.M. Alam, M. Al-Mamun, M. Al-Amin, P. Rojita, M.M. Rahman, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, BD
Fabrication, Characterization and Possible Application of Bio-composites Using Hydroxyapatite and Unsaturated Polyester/Epoxy Resin
N.M. Bahadur, M.D. Kawser, S. Alam, F.N. Robel, S. Hossain, R. Rashid, S. Ahmed, Noakhali Science and Technology University, BD
3D Printable Composites for Biomedical Applications
K. Song, University of Georgia Research Foundation (UGARF), US
4:00Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications - Posters
Adsorption of nitrates from contaminated water on functionalized organosilica material
E. Tocholke, L. Yampolsky, R. Mohseni, A. Vasiliev, East Tennessee State University, US
Computational Transformation of Hf₂AlN MAX PHASE TO Hf₂NO MXenes: A DFT Approach For Energy Storage Applications
J.S. Ayesha, S. Hossain, I. Hasan, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, BD
Porous Carbon Structure/Polyimides Composite as an Anticorrosion Layer for Space Applications
J.V. Thomas, M. Songsart-Power, S. Caliskan, Y. Hamidi, T.B. Limbu, University of Houston-Clear Lake, US
Novel Terbium Samarium Zirconate functional ceramic
S. Solomon, D. Vijayan, UNIVERSITY OF KERALA, IN
Challenging issues of identification of thermally stable point radiation defects revealed by positron annihilation in n–type silicon for quantum technologies and space applications
N. Arutyunov, N. Abrosimov, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Elsayed, G. Astakhov, S. Akhmadaliev, HZDR, IPLT, UZ
Biobased Epoxy Composites Using Algae Oil
K. Lighty, L. Zhang, North Carolina A&T State University - Joint School of Nanoscience & Nanoengineering, US
Self-driven hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite based photovoltaic device for broadband photosenising
A.A. Ahmed, A.T. Nomaan, M. Rashid, Z. Yamani, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), SA
4:00Innovations in Critical Materials - Posters
Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis for Lithium Conversion
A.H.M. Golam Hyder, B. Nuraeni, S. Gallagher, J. Macholz, A. Lipson, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Selective dissolution and re-precipitation by pH cycling enables recovery of manganese from surface nodules
P. Butreddy, S. Mergelsberg, J.N. Jocz, D. Li, V. Prabhakaran, A.J. Ritchhart, C.V. Subban, J. Kellar, S.R. Beeler, S.W. Keenan, E. Nakouzi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US
Microwave Plasma Treatment of Biochar for Energy Storage Applications
B. Stein, BioDiamond, Inc., US
Mechanochemically-facilitated Lithium Extraction from Hard-rock Mineral Spodumene
I. Hlova, V. Gvozdetskyi, Ames National Laboratory, US
Improving efficiency of critical mineral recovery from industrial waste using pulse plasma comminution
A. Gavrilenya, I. Alexandroff, Sharp Pulse, US
Li Concentration from Brines through Carbon Utilization and Electrochemistry
M. Shi, A. Mukhopadhyay, Idaho National Laboratory, US
On-Ramping the Fusion Economy with Kilogram Quantities of Commercial Tritium
T.J. Tarnowsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US
Electrokinetically Driven Rare Earth Element Separation by Coated Capillary Arrays
K.P. McCarthy, T. Watkins, L.C. Merrill, Sandia National Labs, US
Pathways to Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Buildout in the United States
R.T. Rios, C. Iloeje, Argonne National Laboratory, US
Design Criteria for a Rare Earth Liquid Metal Siphon
T. Villalón Jr., Phoenix Tailings, US
*STUDENT HONORABLE MENTION* Monazite Beneficiation by Flotation Surface Chemistry
E. Konadu-Yiadom, C.G. Anderson, Colorado School of Mines, US
Optimization of Membranes Processes for Critical Mineral Recovery: Conceptual Design, Design of Experiments, and Robust Optimization
A.W. Dowling, University of Notre Dame, US
Lanmodulin-decorated microbes for efficient lanthanide recovery
M. Gut, T. Wilhelm, O. Beniston, S. Ogundipe, C.-C. Kuo, K. Nguyen, G. Lindemann, C. Atkins, A. Moyes, A. Furst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US
Supply versus Demand Considerations for Critical Minerals
R.L. Vander Wal, M.M. Nikiawete, J.H. Heim II, Penn State University, US
Acid Recycling in Rare Earth Element Extraction and Purification Processes Using Electrodialysis
D. Nothaft, K. Issapour, Uplift Geosystems, US
Rapid Sensing to Facilitate Purification of Rare Earth Element-Containing Process Streams Produced Through Membrane-Assisted Solvent Extraction
W. Burgess, S. Crawford, N. Siefert, National Energy Technology Laboratory, US
Enhanced Domestic Extraction of PGMs. Nickel, Copper and Cobalt from primary sources
I. Flores-Aroni, Colorado Schoolod Mines, US
Templating-Induced Graphitization of Novolac using Graphene Oxide Additives
S. Ike, R. Vander Wal, Penn State University, US
4:00Materials Characterization & Imaging - Posters
Dielectric properties of Fe substituted MgFexCr2-xO4 chromites
S. Agrawal, NIT RAIPUR, IN
Compact neutron instruments for non-destructive testing and imaging applications in the lab or field-deployed
J.T. Cremer, Adelphi Technology, Inc., US
Synthesis of Nanostructured MOF UiO66-F4 in O/W and Bicontinuous Microemulsions
E.Y. Ugalde Salas, M.J. Quijano Arteaga1, M.E. Navarro Segura, A. Concha Balderrama, N. Pineda Aguilar, M. Sánchez Domínguez1, CIMAV, MX
Material Stability and Durability Testing in Low Earth Orbit Outside the ISS
P.H. Irace, R.D. Reeves, M.S. Roberts, International Space Station National Lab, US
4:00Nanoparticles - Posters
An Investigation of addition of EVA and Nanoclay on Mechanical, Optical and Thermal Properties of LDPE-LLDPE Packaging Films
V. Arabli, A. Aghili, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch, IR
Biofabricated metal nanoparticles: moving from conventional agrochemicals based farming system to sustainable agriculture
S. Sharma, BSA (PG) College, (Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra), Mathura, IN
4:00Drug, Biomolecule, & Vaccine Delivery - Posters
Regulation of cell uptake and intracellular targeting of proteins using homogeneous biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles for targeted therapeutic delivery
R. Sahu, L. Gildea, A.C. N. Sipowe, V. Tadjuidje, O.A. Forte, V.A. Dennis, Alabama State University, US
In Silico Investigation of Thalidomide and Derivatives through CRBN Binding Interactions​
G.L. Ancajas, A.C. Chung, I. Tam, L. Kwak, R.A. Garza-López, Pomona College, US
Admixing a Chlamydial MOMP Nanovaccine with dmLT Adjuvant Enhances TLR2, Th1 cytokines, and Co-stimulatory Molecules in mouse macrophages
A.C. Nguiakam Sipowe, R. Sahu, E.B. Norton, V. Tadjuidje, O. Forte, V.A. Dennis, Alabama State University, US
Cancer Tumor Diagnosis Using AI from Blood Streams and Rapid Vaccine Development
S. Kadulla, HCL America Inc, US
Revolutionizing Vaccine Development: AI-Powered Automated mRNA Vaccine Design
S.N. Faraji, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, IR
4:00Bio-Based Materials, Cellulose & Biocomposities - Posters
Ecofirebuster – A Nanotechnology-Driven, Bio-Based Innovation for Advanced Fire Suppression
L. Sherpa, Ecofirebuster Inc., US
Controlled deposition of silver nanoparticles on nano-cellulose for engineering hygienic textiles
N. Uddin Ahamad, F. Sanjida, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, BD
Biodegradable Materials from Black Soldier Flies for Multipurpose Applications: From Fly to Biodegradable Self-Standing Membrane
A. Francis, Addis Ababa University, ET
Synthesis and Characterization of Cellulose Phosphate as Novel Biomaterial for Bone Tissue Engineering
A. Sadik, N. Ahamad, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, BD
Desulphurization of Diesel Using Quaternised Maize Tassels
I.W. Mwangi, R. Nthumbi, K. Macharia, J.C. Ngila, Kenyatta University, KE


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